Value Added Resource Week In Review 10-22-23

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Welcome to the Value Added Resource ecommerce news week in review!

eBay News

As other marketplaces put holiday marketing plans into motion, eBay makes it clear many sellers will once again be on their own to drive seasonal sales at ever increasing costs for Promoted Listings ads and seller-funded discounts.

Holiday Hustle: eBay Sellers Grapple With Rising Ad Costs
As competitors put holiday marketing in motion, eBay makes it clear sellers are on their own to drive seasonal sales with Promoted Listings ads.

Another week, another 20% off promotion driving sales for the focus vertical strategy while aiding and abetting sketchy business practices and fake strikethrough pricing discounts - it's the eBay way!

eBay Holiday HEADSTART Sale Leaves Buyers In The Cold With Fake Strikethrough Discounts
eBay’s holiday HEADSTART 20% off sale promotes sketchy fake strikethrough pricing discounts, leaving buyers out in the cold.

eBay's AI enhancements had another rough week, with the AI description generator launched for desktop listing flow and then suddenly removed days later - is this magical tool not ready for prime time?

eBay AI Descriptions Magically Appear, Then Disappear From Desktop Listing Flow
eBay’s AI description generator launched in desktop listing flow this week, then disappeared - is this magical tool not ready for primetime?

Sellers who use the eBay for Charity program to donate to charitable causes have been notified of a major change coming in November that could spell big trouble when it comes to refunds or returns.

eBay For Charity Changes Could Spell Trouble For Sellers On Refunds
eBay for Charity donation processing changes could spell big trouble for sellers on refunds.

eBay sellers who have never sold or bought watches on the site are being inundated with unsolicited spam messages trying to entice them to list in this important (to eBay) focus vertical category.

eBay Spams Sellers With Pitch To List Luxury Watches
eBay sellers are being inundated with unsolicited spam messages trying to entice them to list luxury watches on the platform.

Sellers have noticed the "Sell Similar" or "Have One To Sell?" feature appears to have been removed from listings, specifically in the eBay Motors categories - is this a glitch or intentional change possibly due to Guaranteed Fit?

eBay Sell Similar Missing For Motors Parts & Accessories
eBay sellers say Sell Similar removed from Motors Parts & Accessories listings - is it a glitch or intentional change due to Guaranteed Fit?

A Holiday Essentials module on the eBay home page aims to help buyers find seasonal decor and gifts, but a coding snafu is causing some of the category filters to show pages with zero eBay listings and nothing but 3rd party ads leading buyers off eBay!

eBay Not Home For Holidays As Glitch Shows 3rd Party Ads, No Listings In Some Categories
eBay Holiday Essentials category filter glitch shows pages with zero listings, only 3rd party ads leading buyers off eBay!

eBay's ongoing testing for a new View Item page design may be causing problems with how photos are displayed in variation listings.

eBay View Item Page Test Problem With Variation Photos
eBay’s ongoing View Item page testing may be causing problems with how photos are displayed in variation listings.

Sellers are frustrated with frequent maintenance and outages preventing them from using the instant payout to a debit card option for Managed Payments.

eBay Sellers Frustrated By Maintenance, Outages For Express Payout To Debit Card
eBay sellers frustrated with frequent maintenance & outages preventing using instant payout to debit card for Managed Payments.

Digital logistics startup Navlungo has announced it's official partnership with eBay to boost exports from Turkey.

Navlungo eBay Partnership Boosts Selling From Turkey
Turkish digital logistics startup Navlungo has announced it’s official partnership with eBay to boost exports from the country.

Other Ecommerce News

Poshmark announced they will be closing UK, Australia, and India marketplaces effective October 26 to focus on US and Canada operations, leaving impacted sellers in the lurch with very short notice.

Poshmark Announces Sudden Closure Of UK, Australia, India Markets
Poshmark CEO Manish Chandra just drop a sudden and surprising update to the company’s blog - Poshmark will be closing down UK, Australia, and India marketplaces effective October 26, 203 in order to focus on US and Canada operations.

Etsy is undertaking a multi-market expansion of Etsy Payments to Ukraine, India, Japan, Thailand, Argentina, Chile and Peru power by partnership with Payoneer.

Etsy Partners With Payoneer In Multimarket Payment Expansion
Etsy partners with Payoneer for multimarket Etsy Payments expansion to Ukraine, India, Japan, Thailand, Argentina, Chile & Peru.

Sellers usually dread Etsy testing, but a new test showing Shop icon added at the end of the list of images has been enthusiastically received by sellers.

Etsy Sellers Cheer New Test Directing Buyers To Shops
New Etsy test adds Shop icon to end of image list, directing buyers to view other items in seller’s shop.

Mercari has launched a beta test of their new quick listing feature, telling sellers "all you need is a pic, a price, a title… and that’s it – you’re done."

Check out our demo of this new feature that uses machine learning and image recognition to identify the item and suggest details.

Mercari Debuts Image-Based AI Listing Tool Beta
Mercari launches image-based AI quick listing beta, saying “all you need is a pic, a price, a title… & that’s it – you’re done.”

Amazon is hosting an informational event about Seller Fulfilled Prime exclusively in the Amazon community forums on October 24.

Ask Amazon About Seller Fulfilled Prime On October 24
Amazon is hosting an informational event about Seller Fulfilled Prime exclusively in the Amazon community forums on October 24.

USPS experienced a widespread outage this week, interfering with tracking scans and causing confusion and concern for online sellers.

USPS Outage 10-16-23 Causes Confusion & Concern For Sellers
USPS experiences widespread outage, interfering with tracking scans & causing confusion & concern for online sellers.


It's official - Amazon's extended holiday return period will begin November 1st!

Amazon Extended Holiday Returns Begin November 1 2023
It’s official - Amazon extended holiday returns for 2023 will begin November 1st!

eBay staff have advised they have ended the reduced item specifics test and will be considering all of the feedback sellers left on this topic.

eBay Item Specifics Limited In Listing Form, Only Available When Revising
eBay sellers report listing form changes removed critical item specifics fields, now only available when revising.

Get the latest on holiday shipping deadlines for USPS, UPS and Fedex!

Holiday 2023 Shipping Deadlines - USPS, UPS & FedEx
As 2023 holiday shopping season heats up, USPS, UPS & FedEx post deadlines for packages to be delivered before Christmas.

Stay up to date with the latest marketplace and shipping carrier disruptions due to the ongoing conflict in Israel.

Ecommerce Marketplace & Shipping Disruptions To Israel
Stay up to date with the latest ecommerce marketplace & shipping carrier disruptions due to the ongoing conflict in Israel.

And finally, Q3 2023 earnings calls are just around the corner.

Track important ecommerce marketplace earnings dates for Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Meta/Facebook, PayPal, Shopify, BigCommerce, and more!

Q3 2023 Ecommerce Earnings Call Roundup
Q3 2023 earnings calls are just around the corner - track important ecommerce marketplace earnings dates here!

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Week In Review

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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