
Latest news and updates about Promoted Listings, Coupons, Markdown Manager & more!

eBay Community Hosts "Ask Me About eBay Ads" Discussion Members Public

The eBay Community team is hosting next installment of "Ask Me About" discussion series, taking seller questions about new eBay Ads Experience.


eBay's New Ads Dashboard Promises Intuitive Design & Advanced Tech; Sellers See Less Transparency Members Public

eBay's new Ads Dashboard promises simplified, intuitive experience will lay the foundation for sales velocity & growth - can it live up to the hype?


Etsy Ad Campaigns Set Up Without Seller Permission As New Listing Form Bugs Continue Members Public

Etsy sellers say ad campaigns are being set up without permission, costing extra fees & raising concerns about ongoing glitches with new listing form.


eBay Summer 2024 Seller Update: Streamlined Ad Portfolio & Experience Members Public

eBay is streamlining Promoted Listings ad experience with simplified portfolio of products & enhanced metric tracking capabilities.


Etsy Tests Competing Ads In Shops, Sellers Notice Strange Ad Spend Fluctuations Members Public

Sellers report seeing competings ads displayed on shop homepages and odd fluctuations in ad spend as part of suspected Etsy testing.


Ad Blocker Hides Promoted Listings In eBay Search, Hurting Memorial Day Weekend Sales Members Public

eBay sellers worry ad blockers may stop Memorial Day sales as sponsored Promoted Listings ads are hidden from search by Ublock Origin.


eBay Adds AI Coupon Code Suggestions, Shows Coupons In Google Search But Ignores Role Promoted Listings Plays In Uncompetitive Prices Members Public

eBay podcast shares updates on how coupons & discounts help drive sales, but hosts ignore role Promoted Listings plays in driving up prices on site.


eBay Puts Media Contract Up For Review - Could It Signal Marketing Shift For C2C Strategy? Members Public

eBay launches media agency review, moving from decentralized market-based model to global centralized model amid larger business strategy shift.


eBay Ends Promoted Listings Express, Will Move Auctions To Promoted Listings Standard Ads Members Public

eBay ends flat upfront fee Promoted Listings Express ads April 15, will add auctions to existing Promoted Listings Standard cost per sale product.


eBay Marketing Terms Update: Are eBay's Ad Practices Facing Increasing Regulatory Scrutiny? Members Public

eBay has quietly updated Marketing Terms page & changes may point to increasing regulatory scrutiny of Promoted Listings advertising practices.


Is eBay Promoted Listings Advanced CPC Campaign Popup Predatory Dark Pattern Design? Members Public

As eBay grows Promoted Listings Advanced Cost Per Click ad revenue, are they using predatory dark pattern design to trick sellers into signing up?


New Amazon Coupon Requirements Crackdown On Previous Price Manipulation Members Public

Amazon announces new coupon pricing requirements to cut down on previous price manipulation used by less than honest sellers to offer fake discounts.


Etsy Funds $5 Discount To Promote Gift Mode & Big Game Debut Members Public

Etsy is funding a $5 off $50 or more discount for shoppers in the US, Canada, and UK to celebrate big game debut and promote new Gift Mode tool.


Liquid Death's Cheeky Ad Campaign Gives eBay Alternate Route to Super Bowl Season Visibility Members Public

eBay may not be running an ad in the big game, but they're still getting attention thanks to Liquid Death's cheeky anti-Super Bowl ad stunt.


Etsy Runs Big Game Share & Save Promo With 0% Selling Fees Members Public

Etsy passes big game savings to sellers with 0% fee offer for orders made through Share & Save social sharing tool.


Etsy Reveals Gift Mode Campaign With Super Bowl Sneak Peek Members Public

Etsy VP Brand Marketing Brad Minor has revealed campaign for Gift Mode with a sneak peek of their big Super Bowl ad.


Has eBay Changed Marketing Program Terms For Promoted Listings Ads? Members Public

Sellers perplexed by "We’ve made some updates to the eBay Marketing Program Terms" banner - have the terms really changed or is it a glitch?


eBay Post-Purchase "You Might Also Like" Pop Up Ads Increase Cancellations & Chargebacks Members Public

eBay buyers confused by new advertising ploy showing items "you might also like" in post-purchase pop up, increasing cancellations & chargebacks.


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