
Get the latest news & updates about eBay-owned collectible card game marketplace TCGPlayer & eBay's first US union TCGUnion-CWA!

eBay Pill Press AI Dragnet Permanently Suspends 20 Year Seller In Error Members Public

Longtime eBay seller cries for help after frustrating attempts to appeal AI bot suspension for selling 100+ year old item that tripped keyword triggers.


eBay TCGPlayer Union Workers Rally For Better Wages & A Fair Contract Members Public

Unionized workers at eBay-owned TCGPlayer rally for better wages & fair contract, release "Tapped Out At TCGPlayer" cost of living analysis & report.


eBay TCGPlayer Union Workers Demonstrate At Workday Rising Vegas Conference, Plan Rally For Living Wages In Syracuse Members Public

eBay TCGPlayer union rally at Workday Rising in Las Vegas calls on Workday CFO & eBay Board Member Zane Rowe to "bargain in good faith or resign."


eBay Sellers Wanted: CWA & The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition Seek Unfair Practices, Market Dominance Insights Members Public

The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition & CWA survey eBay sellers about marketplace experiences & unfair practices on the platform.


eBay TCGPlayer Sellers Urge FTC, DOJ Investigation In Comments On Corporate Consolidation & Roll-Ups Members Public

eBay TCGPlayer sellers call for FTC & DOJ investigation in public comments on Corporate Consolidation Through Serial Acquisitions & Roll-Ups.


Investors Nudge eBay To Conduct Values Assessment As TCGPlayer M&A Scrutiny Heats Up Members Public

eBay taps Davis Wright Tremaine LLP to conduct investor recommended Values Assessment as regulatory scrutiny of TCGPlayer acquisition heats up.


eBay TCGPlayer Union Rallies Against Pregnancy Discrimination, Files NLRB Claim For Refusal To Bargain Members Public

TCGUnion-CWA calls out eBay TCGPlayer for discrimination & refusal to bargain - is media silence hiding conflicts of interest & corporate regulatory capture?


FTC Urged To Investigate eBay TCGPlayer Deceptive & Anti-Competitive Conduct In ROCC Petition Members Public

Responsible Online Commerce Coalition petitions FTC to investigate eBay TCGplayer acquisition, alleging deceptive practices & antitrust violations.


eBay TCGPlayer Union Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge Over Surveillance & Benefits Changes Members Public

TCGUnion-CWA files new Unfair Labor Practice charge saying eBay TCGPlayer has undertaken illegal surveillance & changes to family leave benefits in union-busting efforts.


eBay Has A New Head Of Labor Relations As Kristi Selby Joins From Nestle - What Does It Mean For TCGPlayer Union? Members Public

eBay has new Head of Labor Relations as self-styled "employee relations guru" Kristi Selby joins company after 12 years in labor roles at Nestle.


eBay Sets Up Shop Using TCGPlayer To Hide Conflict Of Interest While Competing With Sellers On The Platform Members Public

eBay claims not to compete with sellers while setting up shop on its own platform under subsidiary TCGPlayer brand - where's the transparency?


eBay Human Rights Policy Recommits To Labor Bargaining In Wake Of TCGPlayer Union Settlement Members Public

TCGPlayer authenticators rack up another win for TCGUnion-CWA as eBay reinstates union bargaining commitment in company's Human Rights Policy.


eBay TCGPlayer Union TCGUnion-CWA Celebrates Anniversary, Settlement For Fired Employees Members Public

Authenticators at eBay TCGPlayer celebrate one year anniversary of TCGUnion-CWA & NLRB win for illegally fired workers as bargaining drags on.


Sellers Accuse eBay TCGPlayer Of Anti-Competitive Behavior & Retaliation Following Acquisition Members Public

eBay TCGPlayer sellers air concerns about acquisition, union busting, alleged retaliation, & anti-competitive practices in letter to CEO & Board.


NLRB Finds Merit In eBay TCGPlayer Labor Complaints Filed By TCGUnion-CWA Members Public

NLRB has found merit in two unfair labor practice charges filed against eBay by unionized workers at subsidiary TCGPlayer.


NYC & NYS Comptrollers Chastise eBay For Removing Pro-Union Language From Human Rights Policy Members Public

NYC & NYS Comptrollers call on eBay to reinstate pro-union language in Human Rights Policy & bargain in good faith with TCGPlayer workers.


Bargaining Blues: TCGPlayer Union Confronts eBay Over Delay Tactics Members Public

TCGUnion-CWA calls out eBay TCGPlayer for delay tactics & bad faith bargaining, allege eBay is denying fairly won union rights.


eBay's First Union Marks Historic Labor Day, Calls On Company To Bargain In Good Faith Members Public

TCGPlayer authenticators celebrate first Labor Day as eBay's first union, call on company to bargain in good faith.

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