Tech Issues

Report technical issues impacting eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Poshmark, Mercari & more!

eBay Search Fails Trading Card Enthusiasts Ahead Of The National Sports Card Convention Members Public

Trading card collectors left scratching their heads as eBay glitch causes search to show extremely irrelevant results for sports card searches.


eBay Search By Image Malfunctions, Shows Wildly Irrelevant Results Members Public

eBay app users report Search By Image feature is malfunctioning, returning wildly irrelevant results that do not match items being searched for.


More Amazon Bot Troubles As Sellers Get Business Insurance Expiration Warnings In Error Members Public

Amazon sellers are scrambling to reupload business insurance information after another "bots gone wild" situation sends warnings in error.


eBay's Tech Image Overhaul: Is Media Manipulation Covering Up Executive Leadership Failures? Members Public

eBay looks to shed outdated reputation with new comms role using media to promote CTO Mazen Rawashdeh & "position eBay as a top-tier tech company."


Amazon Bot Wrongly Flags Items As Seeds Or Plants In Mass Deactivation Meltdown Members Public

Amazon sellers panic as listings are incorrectly flagged as plants or seeds, leading to mass deactivations & account warnings.


eBay Live Elton John Charity Event: Embarrassing "Tech Led Reimagination" Debacle Members Public

eBay Live Elton John Aids Foundation charity livestream event turns into embarrassing example of technical misexecution & poor leadership.


eBay Not Showing Seller IDs In Search Results - Another Glitch Or Test? Members Public

Some eBay buyers no longer see seller IDs displayed in search results, leaving them once again wondering if it's a glitch, test, or phased change.


Will The Old Etsy Listing Form Really Be Retired On June 25th? Members Public

As sellers frantically prepare for old listing form retirement, will Etsy delay switch to new form until tech issues & bugs are finally worked out?


Etsy Sellers Worry About Pricing Problems In New Listing Form As Old Listing Form Set To Retire Members Public

Etsy sellers face pricing problems in new listing form as old form that is currently the only work around for this glitch is set to retire.


eBay Quietly Solicits "Ghost Listing" Reports; Sellers Feel Ghosted By Lack Of Support & Communication Members Public

eBay has a new way to report "ghost listings" when a previously sold item reappears for sale, but lack of support leaves sellers feeling ghosted.


eBay Variation Listing Image Upload Problems 6-19-2024 Members Public

eBay sellers report technical issues with image uploads for variations preventing creation of new listings or adding images to existing ones.


eBay App Update Causes Inadvertent Draft Deletion Issues Members Public

eBay sellers say app experience is causing them to inadvertently delete draft listings with no way to recover lost data.


eBay Sell Similar, Revise & Relist Listing Glitch Frustrates Sellers Members Public

eBay sellers frustrated by glitch that interrupts workflow as listing form starts in middle for sell similar, revise, relist or create new items.


eBay Glitch Hits Homepage, Category Pages Members Public

eBay tech issue impacts loading of the site's homepage, other important category and navigational pages, leaving users in the lurch.


Ad Blocker Hides Promoted Listings In eBay Search, Hurting Memorial Day Weekend Sales Members Public

eBay sellers worry ad blockers may stop Memorial Day sales as sponsored Promoted Listings ads are hidden from search by Ublock Origin.


Etsy Father's Day Sale Snafu Changes Minimum Price, Opts Some Sellers In Without Notice Members Public

Some Etsy sellers report Father's Day discount activated without their knowledge, others say bug is changing minimum price settings for sale too.


eBay Captcha Missing Pictures Blocks User Access To Site Members Public

eBay users report being unable to access important areas of the site today after a Captcha glitch left them unable to log in.


eBay Listings Missing Descriptions Due To Server Errors Members Public

eBay listings are once again missing description information as details are either completely missing or replaced by a server error message.


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