Etsy Father's Day Sale Snafu Changes Minimum Price, Opts Some Sellers In Without Notice
Some Etsy sellers report being opted in to Father's Day sale with no notice or consent, while others say a bug is changing their minimum price settings for the sale, causing them to lose money.
Setting up a sale using the FathersDay24 coupon code is supposed to be voluntary but a few sellers in the Etsy community were caught off guard when orders started to come in with the discount that they claim they never knowingly opted into or set up.

The sale launched at midnight last night - I realized after getting a few orders for items I never put on sale - with discounts. I looked in Sales & Promotions and the sale had been launched at midnight.
I ended the sale, but how did this happen?
Others suggested it may have been possible to click on a banner and opt in to the sale without realizing it, but it's not clear if that's what is happening here or not.
I have a banner on my dashboard that says "Don't miss out on traffic from sales events", I bet if I clicked on that I would be signing myself up to be opted in to all sales events. Maybe that's what happened to you?
Sellers also shared the same experience posting in the r/EtsySellers sub-Reddit.
This morning I got an alert that someone purchased 3 items for $6, which is odd because none of my items are $2. I checked their order and they used “FATHERSDAY2024” coupon code. I didn’t make this code. I know nothing about it.
I went to my promotions page and sure enough, a sale is running. It started May 12, and it is for 50% off any order over 20 cents! I would never make this sale for my shop. That’s way too much of a discount.
I ended the sale early. Just wondering why this happened when I didn’t approve it. Has it happened to anyone else?
The Father's Day sale is also experiencing a decimal place bug that is impacting the minimum price to qualify for the discount, resulting in sellers losing money as discounts are being applied to lower value orders than they had intended.

Etsy’s running a site-wide Father’s Day sale with code "fathersday2024" and inviting Etsy sellers to participate, but there's an issue. If you set a discount with a minimum amount they save the value wrong. I tried to set a minimum of $50 and it set the minimum to $0.50.
You can end the sale early and re-join with a different amount, but I can't seem to get it to work at $50 no matter what I enter. At $500 it sets the minimum to $5. At $5000 it sets the minimum to $0.05. It's a mess, and if you're not looking closely you might get caught out and end up with discounts that cost you money.
Yep, thrilled about the few sales I made overnight at 25% off. Wanted the order minimum to be $200, but Etsy made the minimum $2--goodbye profit!
I didn't authorize this coupon and my customers used it and received 25% off any order over $5. I'm so pissed right now.
I'm out hundreds of dollars.
Etsy has not responded to request for comment about these issues at this time and it appears sellers have been unable to get much help from support either, but we'll update as soon as we have any additional information.
In the meantime, has Etsy opted you into the FathersDay24 sale without your knowledge or are you impacted by the decimal place bug changing the minimum price? Let us know in the comments below!