eBay Listing Form Change Has Sellers Hunting For Missing Volume Pricing Discount
eBay sellers are stumped as a listing form change sends them hunting for missing Volume Pricing discount option.
I haven't listed anything in the last couple of days, and when I started to do new listings I saw that the option for volume discounts was missing from the listing form.
I went further to check my listings and none of the volume discounts appear. Is this something new?
Trying to relist a multiple variation listing and I cannot find the button for volume discounts??? Why do they have to screw with everything? I had the listing originally listed WITH volume discounts. GRRR!
seeing the same issue on all my listing which previously had volume discounts.
I am having the exact same issue....Volume pricing is on, but the option to opt the listing into it is just gone...
The issue appears to be that eBay has made this part of the listing form "dynamic" meaning it will only show if the listing actually qualifies to use the feature, regardless of any other settings the seller may have selected.
When creating a listing, since the default quantity is 1, eBay is not showing the option to engage Volume Pricing, even if the toggle switch to allow it is turned on.

As soon as you change the quantity to anything more than 1, it refreshes and ads the option for Volume Pricing to the page.

We've seen other similar dynamic changes with the listing form, particularly with shipping options like first class mail or eBay Standard Envelope not showing if the weight and dimensions entered exceed the maximum allowed.

While it makes sense and might even be more efficient not to show options that a listing doesn't qualify to use, unannounced changes like this are always a source of frustration for sellers.
That frustration could be easily be avoided if eBay simply made an announcement or added a pop up or banner on the listing form to alert sellers of the change, but unfortunately proactive communication is not eBay's strong suit.
Unfortunately, the dynamic design does not appear to work for variation listings at this time, so there is no option within the listing form to add Volume Pricing to a listing with variations.
As a work around, sellers with variation listings will need to create the and publish the listing, then go back and find it within Seller Hub and select Add Volume Pricing from either the Promotions column or the drop down menu.

Once selected, a window will pop up allowing you to set the volume pricing for the variation listing.

If you want to edit or remove existing Volume Pricing, select Edit Volume Pricing and make the desired changes.

For those who wish to provide feedback to eBay about this change, if you click the "tell us what you think" link, you'll be taken to a form where you can provide comments that will go directly to the eBay team(s) responsible for this feature.

Or on the listing form, select the three dots in the upper right, then "Your Feedback" and leave a comment about the listing flow.

Are you missing the Volume Pricing option when listing on eBay? Let us know in the comments below!