eBay Bulk Shipping Prints Media Mail Instead Of Ground Advantage Labels
eBay's troubles with the transition to USPS Ground Advantage continue as sellers report the bulk shipping label page is defaulting to print Media Mail labels for some shipments that should have been Ground Advantage.
I was using the bulk shipping feature to print labels, which I do every day, but today for some reason it selected a few of them to be "media mail". which they are not, I cant use these labels for fear they will get returned. So I printed the correct labels and got the items out, but now I have 3 purchased media mail labels I cannot use and need to get a refund on. How do I do this?
I switched all my listings from First Class shipping to the new Ground Advantage. Now half of my labels are coming up Media Mail. I checked the listing and they are setup for the correct service. So, something has to be going on with eBay and the way they are generating labels. Anybody else having issues?
When bulk printing labels The default is showing a media mail instead of United States Postal Service advantage, even though on the listing, it shows United States Postal Service advantage, please fix this. I tried to call to have a personal conversation with a real person. Obviously no luck there
This morning I adjusted my business policies for all applicable listings from USPS First Class Package to USPS Ground Advantage. I just noticed when I went to print shipping labels in bulk that sales that have been made since this change are defaulting to USPS Media Mail. When printing labels individually the labels are correctly defaulting to Ground Advantage.
These are listings where the only shipping option is Ground Advantage and the categories the items are in do not qualify for Media Mail. This appears to be an issue only with bulk shipping as far as I can tell.
I have the same problem. When purchase shipping labels together for 2 sales, it showing one order is USPS Ground Advantage, the other order is USPS First Class(because the listing currently is locked, can't be updated to USPS Ground Advantage yet). But when click to print the shipping labels, the USPS Ground Advantage one becomes USPS Media Mail.
I void the USPS Media Mail shipping label, and purchase another shipping label, and it becomes correctly as USPS Ground Advantage when print out. It seems we can't purchase shipping labels together if the few sales are under different shipping service, have to buy shipping label separately.
Two sales from today, the listings are USPS Ground Advantage. Bulk page purchase shipping label still switching one to USPS Media Mail. Have to void the shipping label.
I have the same issue with bulk shipping. It's defaulting to media mail for most of the orders instead of ground advantage. It started when they changed "parcel select/ground advantage" to "ground advantage" in the shipping options.
Problem here still too. I thought they fixed it but 4 out of 5 sales yesterday (12th) that I'm shipping this morning showed Media Mail rather than GA on the Bulk Shipping page.
eBay has not yet acknowledged this issue with the bulk shipping page defaulting to Media Mail for some shipments instead of Ground Advantage, but they have at least finally resolved problems with QR codes to print Ground Advantage labels not being scannable at the post office.

USPS also implemented rate changes on July 9, but eBay failed to properly update the rates for Standard Envelope service and has still not resolved the issue.

Are you experiencing bugs or problems with eBay shipping due to the recent price changes or introduction of USPS Ground Advantage? Let us know in the comments below!