Amazon Updates Policies For Auto & Marine Emissions Tuners As EPA Cracks Down On Marketplace Sales
Amazon has updated their policies for automotive and marine emissions tuners, advising sellers of new requirements to help prevent the sale of defeat devices that unlawfully interfere with or disable an engine’s emission controls.
Policy update for automotive and marine emissions tuners
As of March 11, 2024, you’re now required to provide a California Air Resources Board Executive Order (CARB EO) number for new and existing listings of automotive and marine emission tuners to ensure that these products are compliant with the Clean Air Act.
The Clean Air Act prohibits the sale of any device that unlawfully interferes with or disables an engine’s emission controls (defeat devices). This new requirement helps to prevent the sale of these defeat device tuners.
If a valid CARB EO number is not provided for an automotive or marine tuner listing, the listing may be removed until a valid CARB EO number is provided.
For more details on the compliance requirements and instructions on how to submit a CARB EO number, go to Automotive and powersports and California Air Resources Board (CARB).
The update comes as the EPA is cracking down on marketplaces that facilitate the sale of illegal emission control cheat devices, like the ongoing lawsuit against eBay for sales of these devices as well as certain pesticides and chemicals.

eBay has hired heavy hitting law firms with a notable history in environmental practice, including representing Volkswagen and Fiat Chrysler through their respective diesel emissions scandals as well as BP during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to argue that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects platforms like them from liability for actions taken by their users.
Investors are keeping a close eye on this case with multiple shareholder rights firms already investigating potential breaches of fiduciary duties by eBay officers and directors.
No doubt Amazon is looking to avoid similar litigation from regulatory agencies and shareholders, resulting in this crackdown on listings for items that might fit in these categories.