eBay VP Buyer Experience Bradford Shellhammer Jumps To Reverb
UPDATE 10-2-24
Bradford Shellhammer has now left Reverb, just weeks after a round of layoffs that put the future of the marketplace in question.

eBay's executive shakeup continues with VP Buyer Experience Bradford Shellhammer jumping ship to become Chief Product Officer at Etsy owned musical instrument marketplace Reverb.
Shellhammer announced he was leaving eBay in a surprise post on LinkedIn over the weekend which was then followed up on Tuesday with the big reveal of his new position.
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Chief Product Officer at Reverb!
Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with music, and at one time music likely saved my life. I'm a huge fan of Reverb and I am inspired by David Mandelbrot and his inventive team. I'm excited for this next chapter, starting today.
Now I finally have a reason to buy a proper DJ setup and learn how to DJ!
eBay has lost several top executives over the last few months, prompting some to wonder if the company is experiencing retention problems under CEO Jamie Iannone's leadership.
VP Buyer Experience Product & Engineering Mohan Patt left to take over Commerce Engineering at Meta/Facebook.

Chief Product Officer Pete Thompson also left the company in April, though he has not yet announced a new position.

And eBay's international operations are facing uncertainty as Head of Europe Rob Hattrell is set to leave the company next month.

eBay has not yet announced a replacement for Shellhammer. Stay tuned for updates as more information becomes available.