Sellers Report eBay Listings Disappearing
UPDATE 8-2-22
Sellers are reporting disappearing listings...again. It appears that eBay is having "latency issues" where when listings end there is a significant delay (24-48 hours+) in relisting. During the time between ending and relisting the listings appear to be in limbo land - stuck somewhere in eBay's backend but not visible in Seller Hub under unsold/ended or active.
If that describes what you're experiencing, more details 👇

UPDATE: One seller is reporting eBay support through Facebook has refused to open a tech ticket for this issue, obviously not understanding what is really going on.

I'm seeing multiple reports in the eBay community that Good Til Canceled listings are disappearing when they are supposed to renew. Sellers say the listings are not relisting immediately and cannot be found in Seller Hub under either Active or Unsold.

eBay store subscribers receive a certain number of free listings every month, depending on subscription level. Many sellers will time new listings and Good Til Canceled renewals to use as many free listings as possible before the end of the month without going over the allotment and incurring additional fees.

Some sellers voiced concerns about how it would affect their monthly store listing allotments if these listings reappear in 24-48 hours.

There were also multiple reports of auctions ending with winning bids showing as "unsold" even though they had been "sold".
The same issue happened at the end of February for many sellers - both the Good Til Canceled relisting delays and the sold auctions going to "unsold".
At that time, eBay's response was that they had experienced some "system latency" that would be cleared up in 24-48 hours.
There has been no official response yet on the most recent problem, though eBay staff from the community says they have reported it to the technical team. As usual, the eBay system status page shows no current disruptions to service.
eBay has been moving at breakneck speed making updates and changes to both the frontend and backend of Seller Hub - are these latency issues a sign of a system that is overtaxed and struggling to keep up?