Is eBay Experiencing Delays In Relisting Items?

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


UPDATE 8-2-22

It appears the relisting delays are back again, along with the vague "latency issues" excuse from eBay.

Re: What happened to automatic relist of ending items?? Gone where did they go?
reposting to this thread also: I have had this happen to me yesterday and today. I had 5 items disappear last night, and 1 more disappear this morning. No common thread between them (some are older, some are newer). I keep meticulous details for each item posted, so i did a cross reference betwee…

I had 5 items disappear last night, and 1 more disappear this morning. No common thread between them (some are older, some are newer). I keep meticulous details for each item posted, so i did a cross reference between what i expect to be active on ebay (tracked on my own excel sheet), vs what is actually active in my ebay store. That is how I was able to determine exactly which items are missing.

When I search for one of the missing item numbers in eBay or in my store, nothing comes up. When I look at my sold, unsold, and ended items, I cannot see the missing item in there either. However, if I search Terapeak for the missing item number, it shows up and shows as active. Also, if I do a hard link to my item number ( with the ##### being replaced with the full item number, then it shows up, and shows as active.

I reached out to customer support, and they said there is a latency issue that the tech team is working related to items disappearing. Based on everything I see, this appears to be a case when items are not auto renewing properly, and seem to have fallen into a limbo state where that are partially ended and active at the same time.

By pulling them up with the direct link, I can do a "Sell Similar" to essentially relist the item. However, the original will still be out there and not sure if that will cause more issues down the line. How this will be resolved, I have no clue. But eBay should be able to find items that find this odd criteria and get them corrected. Anyone else see anything different or have any other solution?

eBay seller Less Than Three Records reached out to me on Twitter to report items are not immediately relisting when they reach their end time.

Normally when the time runs out, the listings roll over and start the time left count over again. Instead the affected listings are remaining under Active Listings in Seller Hub, but the "time left" section changes to a "-" and the items do not appear in an eBay search.

Less Than Three Records updated that eventually the items did relist as would normally be expected, but it took several hours for them to do so.

I'm seeing some reports of similar issues bubbling up in the community as well.

Sold listing show unsold
I have 3 sold items listed as unsold. It is like eBay did not change from unsold to sold when listed finish. Also no unsold item are being automatically relisted today. What gives?

I have 3 sold items listed as unsold. It is like eBay did not change from unsold to sold when listed finish. Also no unsold item are being automatically relisted today. What gives?

Many auction sellers prefer to set their listings so the auction will end on Sunday, and if they have the automatic relist option selected the auction will relist up to 8 times if it does not sell. So there could potentially be an influx of items ending and relisting today.

Other sellers are reporting getting the "spinning wheel of doom" when trying to save listing templates.

Saving template
Hello, We are having issues again saving templates. It is very frustrating and the issue comes and goes. Any Ideas? Thanks
Can’t Save Templates...
...that is all.
Re: Listing Templates
Same for me. Spinning circle “Saving template...” I am not selling anything until this is fixed. Can’t waste time keying the same info 70-100 times.

Same for me. Spinning circle "Saving template..." I am not selling anything until this is fixed. Can't waste time keying the same info 70-100 times.

I am suddenly having this issue too. I cannot create new templates, make copies of existing templates, or edit them.

eBay recently started rolling out an update to the listing experience that includes the ability for sellers to upload videos, but some sellers have complained about long review wait times and low resolution videos.

Is eBay Struggling With Video In Listings?
Some sellers report long processing times with eBay’s new Video In Listing feature.

As the new listing flow continues to expand to more sellers, it's possible it could be causing latency issues and stretching eBay's servers to the limits.

All of this begs the question - has CEO Jamie Iannone's tech led reimagination of eBay bitten off more than they can chew?

If you're experiencing delays in relisting, listing template errors, or other latency issues, let us know in the comments below!

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Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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