eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 - Unpaid Items & Page Views

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay's Spring 2022 Seller Update is here! First, let's take a look at changes to how you run your business, specifically regarding unpaid items, listing page views, and messaging.

Running Your Business
In the Spring Seller Update, we’re announcing new features to help you manage your business, including a new messaging experience, updated listing page view counts, and more.

Immediate Payment On Accepted Offers

eBay is expanding on the pilot program for requiring immediate payment on offers started back in October 2021.

The bundle requests and multiple items part will certainly be good news for sellers - one major paint point of the previous pilot program was that it prevented sellers from combining items before the buyer paid.

In the 2022 Winter Seller Update, you learned about our continued work to reduce unpaid items by automatically collecting payment from buyers when their Best Offer is accepted.

We’re excited to keep the momentum going by expanding these efforts to other Best Offer scenarios, including Offers to Buyers and counter offers. Later this year, buyers will also be able to request bundled offers on multiple items when they make a Best Offer.

More Accuracy In Listing View Counts

Very interesting admission here from eBay that previous listing view counts were not particularly accurate or transparent. Very happy to see them addressing bot traffic specifically.

To give you clearer insight into your listings’ performance, we’re changing to a more accurate way of counting page views, and updating how we display traffic data on your listings.

  • We’re updating how we count listing page views to more accurately capture views by potential buyers.
  • To give you cleaner performance data, we’ll now show a 30-day rolling count of listing views instead of a lifetime count.
  • You’ll still be able to access data for the past 2 years in a new listing traffic history report.

We want you to have listing traffic data that shows as accurately as possible how many buyers have seen your listings. That’s why, in late April 2022, we’ll be updating how we count and report listing page views.

The current page view numbers on your listings count various types of traffic, including a significant amount of non-human traffic—one example is programs called “bots” that scan websites and now account for approximately 40% of internet traffic.*

Although this non-human traffic is currently counted as a “page view,” it doesn’t represent real shoppers or lead to sales, and recent analysis has shown how much it inflates your page view numbers...

...while most sellers will see a significant drop in page view numbers, the impact of filtering out more non-human traffic may vary. Importantly, the actual traffic from potential buyers to listings isn’t changing. We’re just updating what types of traffic we count as page views to more accurately show views by potential buyers.

eBay will also be changing from showing lifetime listing views to a rolling 30 day count and providing enhanced listing view reporting.

30-day rolling data makes it easier to spot trends and optimize listings. However, we know some sellers prefer to have data that spans a longer period, so a new listing traffic history report will show the past 2 years of view counts for each listing.

The new report will show a breakdown of views, including trends over time, for each individual listing. You’ll be able to filter for page views over various timeframes, from the past 24 hours up to the past 2 years. You can see an example of the new listing traffic history report in the screenshot below.



And finally in this section of the update, they simply re-announced the new messaging functionality that was first announced last month during the Investor Day and Spring Seller Check in events.

eBay Spring 2022 Seller Check In
Highlights from eBay’s Spring 2022 Seller Check In.
Seller UpdateseBay

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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