eBay Seller Hub Orders Page Changes Cut Off Important Info

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers are struggling with more unannounced design changes hampering their workflow as Seller Hub Orders page redesign cuts off important information, requiring additional scrolling to see data that used to be easily viewable on the page.

Zip Code missing on Seller Hub where ‘orders ready to ship’ are listed?
Does anyone know of a way to turn them back on (cannot ‘change’ column/items shown). It was very helpful at a glance because I could see if it was going to EIS (61xxx) or back east zip codes (since i do Free Shipping; can tell at a glance what it may cost to ship).

Does anyone know of a way to turn them back on (cannot 'change' column/items shown). It was very helpful at a glance because I could see if it was going to EIS (61xxx) or back east zip codes (since i do Free Shipping; can tell at a glance what it may cost to ship)...

...oops; nevermind; I see I now have to 'slide' over (scroll at bottom of page)- although wasn't like that yesterday all the way back to when Seller Hub started...

I noticed the same thing today...the last column in my page is "buyer engagement" which has the feedback status icons. I have to scroll over to see them...really annoying.

Yes; for some reason they 'moved' it over so I have to go to the bottom of the page and slide it over to 'see' the zip; something I used to see at a glance. I don't know what they put in its place, because the screen looks the same and I'm on the same computer monitor as always.

Oh shoot, just read what you posted about scrolling right. Well, that doesn't work so well on the All Orders screen! I just went to do something & while I don't use the zip code, I DO use the icons for LEFT & REC'D FB. Those are now also off the screen. But I never saw a horizontal scroll. Why is that? B/C it's at the very BOTTOM, past HUNDREDS of Orders.

So, on the All Orders screen, I have to scroll down past hundreds of items to scroll to the right. Then I have to scroll ALL THE WAY BACK to the top to do the search. This is LUDICROUS!

I would urge people to click on the Comments for that screen & tell them what you think. I just did. Why on earth do I have to scroll past hundreds of items multiple times, just to see the stuff on the right. Who on earth breaks designs these bugs new features. What a nightmare.

ETA: Will be the same problem I suspect on the Orders Awaiting Shipment screen too for those sellers who get a ton of orders.

Unfortunately that suggestion to leave feedback might not do any good - as another seller has reported their efforts to do so bounced and we were not deliverable.

Undeliverable: “Tell us what you think about the Seller Hub Orders updates!”
: I’ve sent in two comments so far on the latest attempts at revising the Sold Items page, both of which bounced due to Unknown Sender errors: Your message to DL-eBay-selling-mesh-orders@ebay.com couldn’t be delivered. The group DL-eBay-selling-mesh-orders only accepts messages from people in its…

brian_burke@ebay : I've sent in two comments so far on the latest attempts at revising the Sold Items page, both of which bounced due to Unknown Sender errors:

Your message to DL-eBay-selling-mesh-orders@ebay.com couldn't be delivered.
The group DL-eBay-selling-mesh-orders only accepts messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn't on the list.

What follows is a laundry list of steps to take in order to rectify the bouncing, mainly for the administrators maintaining the account soliciting the feedback comments. I can forward the whole thing if it's really needed, but the gist of it seems to be that someone has coded the Comments link to send user feedback to a secure internal email alias by mistake.

I guess that's one way to avoid critical feedback!

To avoid having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, some sellers are suggesting a workaround with highlighting the text to force a side scroll or using keyboard shorts and mouse scroll wheels.

I was able to scroll right by holding the mouse button and moving right like you're trying to highlight text. Still not ideal, but better than scrolling the whole way to the bottom.

What do you think of the new Seller Hub Orders page design? Let us know in the comments below!


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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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