eBay Search Broken Returns 0 Results 3-30-22

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


UPDATE 6-14-2023

eBay search results are completely broken again - new details 👇

eBay Search Broken 0 Results 6-14-2023
eBay search once again completely broken, showing zero results when there should be thousands.

UPDATE: This issue is also being reported when using desktop web browsers, not just the app. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it - some people report 0 results in Chrome but not Firefox and even incognito mode has mixed results, sometimes return search results and sometimes 0 for the same search.

Today, 3-30-22, I searched for Tax Token Error, something which I knew would bring up at least one listing as I had bid on one. The search brought up nothing, however, under my personal info, I had bid on one and the listing was active. I had the same issue with other searches. Anyone else having t…

It appears eBay is experiencing problems with broken search function return 0 results in error. So far most reports seem to be on the mobile app, both Android and iOS versions.

This Twitter video shows the search problem in action.

Search not recognising words that are on eBay listings
My ebay apple app isn’t recognising words that are definitely there in items being sold . Even things I have listed it says there are no exact matches found . My partner’s is working but he has android . Anyone else got this issue today ?

My ebay apple app isn’t recognising words that are definitely there in items being sold . Even things I have listed it says there are no exact matches found . My partner’s is working but he has android . Anyone else got this issue today ?

Search features
I’m doing my daily listing and for some reason today when I search for other listings nothing appears. Google works better for finding items on ebay than ebay does. Has anyone noticed this? I went to the status page and it says the site is working. Just curious sales have been slop the last last 2…

I'm doing my daily listing and for some reason today when I search for other listings nothing appears. Google works better for finding items on ebay than ebay does. Has anyone noticed this? I went to the status page and it says the site is working. Just curious sales have been slop the last last 2 days, wondering if this has something to do with it.

It was revealed in the weekly eBay community chat today that the long awaited replacement for the Search By Image feature was being rolled back out.

eBay Disables Search By Image In Mobile App
eBay has temporarily disabled the search by image function in both the Android and iOS versions of the mobile app.

This feature was disabled and removed from both versions of the app back in December due to "inconsistencies" it caused with search.

Prior to it being removed, several users reported that they had been receiving 0 results for searches in error for months - exactly like what is being described in today's bug reports.

Did the reintroduction of this feature also reintroduce the "inconsistencies"? It could just be coincidence, but if I were eBay I'd at least be looking there.

Are you experiencing 0 search results in error in the eBay app? Let us know in the comments below - Android, iOS, or web?

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!