eBay Promoted Listings Standard Updated

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


The eBay Ads Team has posted an announcement in the community about an update to Promoted Listings Standard.

Promoted Listings Standard has been updated
We listened your feedback and worked on improving our tools to make managing your eBay business even easier. We’re excited to announce new improvements designed to enhance the selling experience and help you and your business grow further. Enhancements to campaign management We’ve enhanced our Pro…

We listened your feedback and worked on improving our tools to make managing your eBay business even easier. We’re excited to announce new improvements designed to enhance the selling experience and help you and your business grow further.

Enhancements to campaign management

We’ve enhanced our Promoted Listings Standard simple campaign creation and reporting tools to make managing your campaigns even easier.

You can now create and manage your simple campaigns all on one page. We’ve also added:

  • New Brand and Condition filters
  • A new subcategory-level filter
  • Enhanced data visualization
  • Inline sorting for the first five columns
  • An entrance link to eBay Ads Academy

Thank you to all the sellers who provided their valuable feedback. We’ll continue listening and developing improvements to the selling experience on eBay.

Important note - these updates only apply to Simple campaigns, not Bulk or Automated.

I was going to check out the eBay Ads Academy, but apparently it's not quite ready for primetime. I'll update

eBay also made updates to the Promoted Listings Standard dashboard back in January.

New eBay Promoted Listings Standard Dashboard
eBay has introduced a new dashboard view for Simple and Bulk Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns.

What do you think of these changes to eBay Promoted Listings Standard? Will they increase your PL usage or help you be more effective when planning your advertising strategy? Let us know in the comments below!


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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