eBay Problems With Personalization
UPDATE 1-3-23
It appears the problem isn't just with variation listings. I'm now seeing multiple reports of this issue impacting single item listings as well.
personalization option has been working for like a year...now the option is chosen but entry block for customer to enter personalized information not appearing. I sell personalized greeting cards on this account and Gift Baskets at my store MelodysGiftDepot which has been around since 2005...so I'm not a new seller. I sold 2 greeting cards about an hour ago and i'm sure the customer was like...uh...what? I charge extra for the personalization so will now need to refund them. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
In all reported cases, the item specific for Personalize says yes, but there is no text box for the buyer to type their custom message in.
eBay sellers in both the US and UK are reporting the Personalization option is no longer showing on listings with variations.

Personalisation Box where buyers enter theirs words has disappeared from most of my listings. Reported to ebay and told nobody else having this issue, yet when I look at other sellers personalised items, about 60% have missing personalisation box too! Happy Christmas Ebay

Sellers with personalised items, is your Personalised text box available for customers to input details?
I have a load not showing this text box but in the edit, the Personalisation Instructions is set to YES and has been woking OK til now?
I have reported to ebay from my business accounts (not this account) as personalisation box missing from desktop version in chrome, edge and firefox.
Also missing from app on android for some, but not all listings.
Please report to ebay as they won't do anything unless a number of sellers complain. Tech issue ticket reference for this issue is REQ 000003610961
It's missing on variantion listings only on desktop as far as I can see. I reported it last week as the personalised box vanished off all my listings that had variants on. I can still see the personalised box on a mobile phone though on variant listings
All my listings had a "Personalization Text Box" turned on and it's not showing up in any of my listings. I've checked my listings and the option to Personalize is set to "Yes" and I've added a text instruction for my customers. This option was always visible before and now it's not showing up in any of my listings. Any one have any information about the bug or issue?
I have the same problem. Was working in the past in my ads, but now with those listings the personalization 'text box' is not appearing.
I found this yesterday when posting a new listing. At first the box was not showing, then it showed for a few seconds and disappeared. Did not reappear.
I found that this tool is not available in all categories, but was previously working in my category. When building my ad, the features are there and accept my instructions for the 'Text Box', and both Personalization 'YES' have been set, but when posted it is not appearing in the ad.
From reviewing other complaints over the past year, it looks like this 'Personalization' tool has never worked as it should. Promises a year ago to 'fix' it and make it work have not happened yet. Would be a great tool if only it would work as it was supposed to.
eBay should either 'fix' it or remove it. Lots of aggravation time wasted trying to figure it out.
I'm having the same problem. The personalization box was there a week ago and I noticed yesterday it was gone. It's confusing to buyers when a seller instructs a buyer to leave their name in the personalization box and it doesn't exist. Ebay has been adding too much make work for sellers and it's gotten old.
All of the impacted listings reported so far appear to be multi-variation listings and it looks like the issue is affecting desktop view of listings, but possibly not mobile.
I'll update as soon as more information is available.
In the meantime, if your listings are no longer showing the Personalization box, let us know in the comments below!