eBay Managed Payments Glitch - No Payout Scheduled

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers in both the US & UK are reporting a glitch showing no payouts are scheduled despite having available funds in their Managed Payments accounts.

Any other sellers have Available Funds but no payout scheduled?
I currently have Available Funds but no payout is scheduled, I contacted eBay support about this as I was worried with it being a pretty large amount, the customer support rep assured me that this was currently a global issue a lot of sellers were facing, is this true or was the customer support rep…

I currently have Available Funds but no payout is scheduled, I contacted eBay support about this as I was worried with it being a pretty large amount, the customer support rep assured me that this was currently a global issue a lot of sellers were facing, is this true or was the customer support rep just trying to shoo me away, are other people actually experiencing this issue today?

Just to note I have 300+ feedback and have been selling on eBay on and off for 18 years, I use a seperate account for interacting with the forums, so this wouldn't be a "new seller" issue!


Yes I've got the same issue, my payout is daily , so my funds should be paid out tomorrow, I was also told that it's an issue affecting many sellers global and they are working on it

When things like this happen, with no eBay explanation, it makes the upcoming eBay wallet even more unattractive.

I called because I am having the same issue. My call was escalated to a specialist, and they looked my account over top to bottom and realizing there were no problems with my account, or any reason why I shouldn't be paid, I was told it was a "global issue" that they are working on fixing, with an estimated timeline of beginning of May. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My account was put on a "priority list" and I was told I would get a notification when I would be paid again. I have money sitting in my account, that I use to pay my bills, yet Ebay won't release them. This is outrageous. How can this be legal?

I highly encourage everyone having this issue to call Ebay directly to complain. I paused all my sales because there is no reason Ebay should be getting money from my transactions if I'm not being paid, and I am migrating my selling to a different selling platform.

No payout date scheduled?
Does anyone else have no payout date scheduled but available funds?

Me too, since last week. I called and got some story about a system glitch, the young lady said it was global and they are working on it. They asked me to change from weekly to monthly or bi weekly. Sounds sort of fishy to me. Wonder if they are having cash flow problems, holding our payouts for longer may help them, but not us.

No payout scheduled? Is anyone else having this possible bug? from Ebay

Yea same problem and the date always shows… even on weekends, they said it’s a technical issue and they hope to have it resolved in “3 or 4 days” which is completely unacceptable. It’s bad enough sell similar from mobile has been glitchy since the software update but now not scheduling payouts is the deal breaker that will force more people to either give up or go to Mercari and whatnot.

eBay is on an insane downward trajectory.

While it's difficult to say if there is a connection, eBay did make changes to add more payout schedule options in the last week per the announcement made at Investor Day & the Spring Seller Check In.

Did something about those changes inadvertently disable payouts for some sellers?

eBay Wallet & New Payments Features
eBay announces virtual wallet, payout options, working capital, wire transfers & split payments for high ASP items.

Despite multiple reports of being told by customer service that this is a known, possibly global technical issue, the eBay system status board predictably shows no current outages or disruptions in Payments (it almost never does).

Are you experiencing this "no payout scheduled" glitch? Let us know in the comments below!

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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