eBay Finally Shows Sellers 2 Years Of Order History

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


In a "better late than never" move, eBay is rolling out an update to Seller Hub that will show sellers 2 years worth of order history instead of the previous limit of 90 days.

The change appears to be a phased rollout with some sellers reporting they don't have access to it yet.

Finally - 2 Years of history now available on Orders page 🎉
We can now select a “custom date range” for displaying order history and access data for past 2 years through the seller hub orders page. Thank you eBay for listening after all these years!

We can now select a "custom date range" for displaying order history and access data for past 2 years through the seller hub orders page. Thank you eBay for listening after all these years!


...Changes like this are usually a phased rollout, so based on past changes I expect everyone will see this within the next week or two. It just popped up for me this morning.

Edit: Checked another selling account and it's not active on that account yet. So just my main selling account has this change so far.

The seller who first posted about the change in the eBay community also had some follow up observations.

I've been playing around with it there are some things to note:

  • Custom date range is defaulting to 5/17/2021 - 6/18/2021 which is really odd. There also appears to be some glitchiness with this sort option. For example, change the filter to "paid and shipped". Then change the period to "custom". It will show you the above date range at the top of the page, but results will remain the past 90 days. You have to actually set your own custom date range for the results to change. So change it to 5/17/2021-6/18-2021 and it will show accurate results.
  • It strips buyer names and addresses after a certain amount of time. I haven't dug down to see what the cutoff is.
  • It stores the order's "delivered" status and tracking number, but since tracking is expired from carrier websites where eBay pulls the data you cannot view tracking scans. This is kind of annoying for instances where one may have issued a partial refund for some reason because partial refund takes display precedence over a delivered status.
  • I found the cutoff for when "send refund" disappears from the actions drop-down. Today is Dec 1st and the action appears on orders placed 12/1/2021 and later. So it's there for one year. I obviously did not test to see if sending a refund would work a year later, but the option is there.
  • It's hit or miss whether your listing image thumbnails will appear. Most appear to be present.

So it sounds like eBay may still be working out some kinks and some of the information available for further back dates may be limited, but it is at least an improvement and a step toward providing information sellers have been requesting for decades.

Sellers are also discussing the update on Reddit, with many echoing the sentiment that it's better late than never.

eBay now allows sellers to view orders up to 2 years old, up from 90 days. from Ebay

They are charging more fees but functionality still wasn’t much improved and it took them this long to come up with this common sense feature that should be here in the first place

I wish they'd add a function where I can press the "repeat buyer" button it'll show me their previous purchase. It just says "our records indicate they've purchased from you in the last two years" so they have the information... they just want me to work for it?

It should never have been anything other than infinite. Can you imagine not being able to see your entire Amazon history? Of course not. I can still see stuff I bought from Newegg back when they were still a decent company.

What do you think of this update to eBay Seller Hub? Let us know in the comments below!


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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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