eBay Can't Process Refund Error 1-20-23

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers in the US report receiving an error message saying "your refund did not go through. Please try again later or contact us" when trying to process refunds to buyers.

Unable to process cancellations or refunds
Buyer messaged and requested to cancel an order. We tried processing a cancellation and received an error message. We tried refunding instead of cancelling and received another error message. We have more than sufficient funds in eBay managed payments to cover the refund amount. We also have PayPal…

Buyer messaged and requested to cancel an order. We tried processing a cancellation and received an error message. We tried refunding instead of cancelling and received another error message. We have more than sufficient funds in eBay managed payments to cover the refund amount. We also have PayPal and a bank account linked as secondary and tertiary payment options.

We contacted customer service. They were also unable to process a refund, but were not able to advise why. They stated there's no technical issue on eBay's end and confirmed we had funds available to cover the refund amount. When we repeatedly asked why the refund won't process they talk in circles (reading random excerpts from scripts) and won't provide any answers. Anyone else having issues with refunds or cancellations going through?

Refunds down for anyone else?
Anyone else unable to send refunds? We ran into a problem. Please try again later.

Anyone else unable to send refunds? We ran into a problem. Please try again later.

I have seen 2 other threads on it. Yes down for others.

As I posted in another thread, I tried to cancel for OOS , (about 9:30 PM eastern time) and even though I have funds available, and also funds in my checking, the cancel/refund failed.

Yes, it isn't working for me either. It eventually sent me an ebay message saying the refund could not be completed.

Action needed, but there's nothing to do when you visit the page.

Refunding trouble. Instructed to contact ebay.
I’ve done the correct steps to refund a buyers’ recent purchase. I received a message in a RED banner that says “REFUND DID GO THRU. Contact us.” I can’t find anything other that the AUTOMATED chat-type service, that takes me back to the screen that didn’t work. How do I “contact us”?

I've done the correct steps to refund a buyers' recent purchase. I received a message in a RED banner that says "REFUND DID NOT GO THRU. Contact us."

I can't find anything other that the AUTOMATED chat-type service, that takes me back to the screen that didn't work.

Trying to refund and I get error message
Trying to refund some shipping and all I get is an error message, “We ran into a problem. Please try again later”. I can refund orders I’ve already shipped, but, none of my new orders. Anyone else?

Trying to refund some shipping and all I get is an error message, "We ran into a problem. Please try again later". I can refund orders I've already shipped, but, none of my new orders. Anyone else?

Same here. I wanted to give a combined shipping refund to a customer, but eBay gave me the "We ran into a problem...bleep".

Then a customer bought an item, then requested to cancel the sale. EBay is giving me the same Error bit. I love paying $100 a month for the eBay store + another $1k in fees just for this crap to always creep up. Let hope it clears quickly.

I have 2 combined shipping refunds that are also erroring out right now. It is probably widespread. I am just going to stop trying until tomorrow.

Tonight I tried to do an OOS cancel where the funds should come out of my available funds (more than enough there), or my checking account (more than enough there), but it failed.

It looks like the error may be impacting sellers in Canada as well. One seller in the eBay Canada community gave an excellent call out not just about the issue, but about eBay's lack of transparency - eBay's system status pages are notorious for hardly ever being updated to reflect actual sitewide/worldwide disruptions or outages.

A good professional practice is to post all information about the system status. Ebay does not.

Here I tried to refund a buyer, who paid twice for the shipping. I get an error. Contacted the support, they confirmed it doesn't work since 2 hours. Why they just not post that info on their website?

Here an example how a responsible company handles such a situation... Ebay - please post info on a system status page - people will stop to call your technical support if they can find an adequate info there.

This is the second time this week this error has been reported - it hit eBayUK a few days ago as well.

eBayUK Errors Processing Refunds, On Demand Payouts January 17, 2023
eBay UK sellers report “your refund did not go through” error message even with positive balance to fund return.

I'll update as more information become available. In the meantime, if you're unable to process refunds on eBay, let us know in the comments below!

eBayFees & PaymentsTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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