eBay Australia Runs Share & Save Social Sharing Promo
As previously reported, the eBay Final Value Fee social sharing incentive teased at eBay Open last year has been being tested in Australia since April.

Now it looks like eBay Australia is expanding the test as a limited time promotion for sellers with Basic, Feature or Anchor Store subscriptions from 26th July 2022 to 30th September 2022.
Reduce your Final Value Fees (FVF) by sharing your listings.
We will reduce your FVF to 2.75% plus $0.33 when you sell an item* to a buyer who has clicked the link you’ve shared.
How to share listings
Share your Store and listings on multiple channels by clicking on the social share icons:Not only is sharing on different channels an easy way to reduce FVFs, but it’s also a great way to reach new buyers! The more buyers you attract to your store, the more you can save.
*A buyer must click your shared link and buy any item in your store within 30 days.

In order to qualify, sellers will need to share to social media from the official eBay social share icons and links which can be found on active listings, storefront, view item page, offers page, or listing success page.

As always check those terms and conditions carefully - excerpts below, full T&C here:

When does the Promotion run?
The Promotion runs from 00:01 (AEDT) on 26th July 2022 to 23:59 (AEDT) on 30th September 2022 (“Promotion Period”).
eBay reserves the right to cancel or change the Promotion at any time.
To qualify for the Promotion, items must be sold within the Promotion Period and within 30 days of the buyer clicking on the Shared Link.What is the Promotion?
Eligible Sellers who sell one or more of their items shared through the social sharing link feature will be eligible for a discounted variable fee (2.75% + the fixed order fee of $0.33) for those Eligible Transactions (the “Promotion”).
For illustration purposes only:
If the standard variable fee charged for the sale of an item is 11%, and the transaction is an Eligible Transaction, a 2.75% variable fee (inclusive of GST) will be charged instead of 11%. The fixed order fee of $0.33 will still be applied in both cases.
If you're an Australian seller, I'd love to hear about your experience with eBay Share & Save - let us know in the comments below!