eBay 1099-K Form Amounts Doubled, Sales Overstated
UPDATE 2-5-22
While there has been no official announcement yet from eBay, affected sellers are reporting the doubled amount error is being fixed and corrected 1099-K forms are appearing in their seller accounts.
They fixed mine!!!!
Checked 1099k in seller hub. Saw the Date Generated changed to "Feb 4, 2022".
Just checked mine after seeing your post, and they fixed mine as well!
Generated Date was changed to Feb 4 and the numbers are now all correct. One less thing I have to worry about. Thanks
UPDATE 2-3-22
Affected sellers have now confirmed the duplication error is showing on the physical copy of the 1099-K that was mailed to them - which is very concerning because that means it's likely the wrong amounts were sent to the IRS as well.
I received my physical 1099k in the mail today. Everything on it is doubled…
I was holding onto hope that the mailed copy would be correct. There goes that idea. I just want them to admit to the issue/problem and send a corrected 1099. I shouldn't be spending this much time and effort trying to fix their mistake.
That's not good news. This is obviously a systemic issue affecting a group of users, not an isolated incident. eBay needs to get on this. I keep finding threads where people said they contacted CS and they get one of two answers:
eBay can't help and the seller needs to sort it out with their accountant
The seller needs to submit individual line items to eBay to dispute the problem
This is a clear issue where every total is duplicated and you can see each line is duplicated in the screenshots that were posted. I'm disappointed that eBay Payments CS hasn't been made aware of the issue with some sort of memo so they can let people know when they call in that a ticket is opened and add that seller's ID to the ticket.
Jasmen@eBay had previously said she was collected IDs of users who were reporting the issue in the community to add to the trouble ticket.
Hi everyone- we’re still looking into this.
I appreciate everyone taking their time to let us know about the errors you’re seeing. I’ve gathered the user ID’s of members reporting incorrect data on their 1099-k form and I have sent this for further investigation. Thanks again for working with me!
However, I absolutely agree with the seller who stated this is clearly a systemic issue at this point and eBay must proactively address it.
I'll continue to update as more information becomes available - if you've been affected by this issue, let us know in the comments below!
eBay sellers started receiving their 1099-K forms yesterday and some are reporting problems with the dollar amounts being doubled.
A few sellers indicated the same thing happened last year - according to them the mailed version of the form was correct and the online version was eventually corrected as well.
I just received my 2021 1099-K and was surprised to see that the amounts in every box were exactly doubled from what they should be. Has this happened to anyone else?
I contacted support and they said that they cannot help me and to consult a tax professional. After some strong words that this is 100% an eBay error on the form they provided (over reported sales figures) they claim to be working on it.
As others have mentioned there are several postings about this problem. EBay has until 28 February to correct the 1099's. After that you should contact the IRS, see other postings for numbers, and there are some steps you need to take when you prepare your taxes if you never receive a proper 1099, see other postings.
EBay's attitude seems to have changed a little bit and they are now "working on it". Earlier postings indicated that eBay was trying to pass the problem back to the seller. This was another one of those little things PayPal used to handle for eBay before eBay came up with the MP plan. I cannot imagine the IT and accounting changes eBay had to implement to accommodate this and other tax changes.
I would imagine eBay's pain is going to also be felt by the IRS when millions of 1099's show up next year if they are not already feeling it this year.
Has anybody else recently got their 1099K from eBay and noticed that the reported numbers are doubled?
With the records I keep i had a good idea of what my gross sales would be this year. The #s that were sent on my 1099K however did not match my records or even the records on eBay own sales reports. My best guess is if you look at the first picture you'll notice how each "Box" is listed and then repeated. The Box 1a on the list 17,356.46 is the correct number. But if you look at the second picture Box 1a reports double that amount 34712.92. Who should I contact to get this corrected? Thanks
My transactions are doubled. My sales are doubled. Everything on it is 2x...
...The 2nd page shows every box twice too.
I vaguely remember this happening last year as well, and it corrected itself in a couple days. The one I got in the mail was accurate.
The 1099 just popped up on my dashboard. I did not get a message/email yet telling me it was ready. I'm hoping it will resolve itself by the time I get the email from ebay.
1099k From eBay Showing Double for Everything. from Flipping

Ckoutletsales commented:
My values were doubled on my 1099k as well. On the phone to eBay to figure out how to get this sorted out as I am not paying tax on an extra $170,000...
I have not seen any official response from eBay community staff yet or any technical issue announcements posted, but will update when more information is available.
Have you been impacted by eBay's 1099-K glitch? Let us know in the comments below!