eBay 0 View Count Error 11-10-22

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers are once again facing technical issues that have wiped out all view count history from their listings.

All Listings Have Zero Views Starting today Nov 10
All my view history on all listings is gone today. All listings have 0 views. It was there yesterday. Some watcher history appears to still be there although about 1 hour ago it was all 0 too. I wonder are my listings even showing up to buyers?

All my view history on all listings is gone today. All listings have 0 views. It was there yesterday. Some watcher history appears to still be there although about 1 hour ago it was all 0 too. I wonder are my listings even showing up to buyers?

same thing here, looked this morn everything is 0 views, click on the views and the extended report doesn't load either. The sold count on listings is working, check item sold last night and sold count shows on the listing, but views are zeroed out on seller hub - my watchers counts seem to be there but i have no idea if for all listings or if they are accurate.

Active Selling page now shows Zero views on all auctions
I never have gotten alot of views, but yesteday morning I had some on all four auctions. One had 8. Later that day, it had 7. now this morning, all have zero views. anyone else with this problem?

I never have gotten alot of views, but yesteday morning I had some on all four auctions. One had 8. Later that day, it had 7. now this morning, all have zero views. anyone else with this problem?

AskeBay support on Twitter says they are aware of a sitewide issue and are working to fix it ASAP. The issue also appears to be global, impactig users in multiple countries.

Of course, as usual, the eBay system status page shows all green with no current disruptions or outages.

These kinds of global system wide outages and technical issues are an ongoing and seemingly increasingly regular occurrence, despite CEO Jamie Iannone promising a tech-led reimagination of the platform when he took the reins over 2.5 years ago.

Ex-CEO Devin Wenig infamously said at eBay Open 2018 that technical glitches are unacceptable and really pissed him off. eBay has since blocked that YouTube video from being embedded or shared on other sites, but you can still watch it here.

There've been a lot of site glitches recently on eBay. What are you guys doing to get rid of them?
Here's the simple answer - unacceptable, unacceptable. And we're making a lot of changes. When you make changes there are times that things happen but that's not an excuse and it's not ok with me and this summer in particular there have been a number of issues that directly impacted sellers like people not being able to see their view counts and a few other things and it's just not ok.

I'm extremely proud of a lot of things we've done, I'm not proud of that and in fact I hold my team accountable and it's not important, it's an internal matter but, we made changes to people and teams because shipping product that isn't ready is not ok. It's not ok with me and it's not ok with my team.

So the short answer is it's not like we don't get it. We are making a lot of changes and I want to make those changes, we need to make those changes, but making changes and then having to back up and fix things is not cool and I totally get it. Most of the issues from this summer have now been remedied but I was pissed off.

It's interesting that one of the main technical issues Wenig was so "pissed off" about was people not being to see their view counts - clearly being pissed off wasn't enough and the new guy hasn't come up with anything better either.

Maybe it's time to get a new Chief Technical Officer who can actually get the job done?

eBay CTO Mazen Rawashdeh Talks Sabbaticals & Tech Innovation
eBay’s Chief Technology Officer Mazen Rawashdeh stopped by the Modern CTO podcast to chat about 30 years in tech leadership.

If you're experiencing this eBay view count error, let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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