USPS Launches New Service Performance Dashboard
USPS has launched a new Service Performance Dashboard as part of reforms to help identify delivery delays and pain points across the country.
The dashboard is now live and displays service performance metrics based on national, area or district regions for First Class, Marketing Mail, Periodicals, and Bound Printed Matter/Media/Library Mail.

You can select Inbound:


Or Origin to Destination:

You can also download the data in CSV format.
Additional info and FAQ from USPS:
Service performance measurement— results you can rely on
The United States Postal Service™ (USPS) measures service performance in terms of speed and reliability.The Postal Service has established service standards for its market-dominant mail products. These service standards provide the basis for measurement of Postal Service performance for each marketdominant product.The Postal Service intends for its service performance measurement system to be accurate, reliable and representative.
How does USPS collect the data presented on this website?
The data used to measure service performance is collected throughout the journey mail takes through the Postal Service network. To collect these data, mail is scanned at three key points: when it enters the mail stream, when it is processed and when it is delivered.Scanning and service performance measurements rely upon Intelligent Mail® barcodes and other barcode identifiers placed on pieces of mail to enable optical scans. The Postal Service combines sample scans made at collection and delivery with automated scans from mail-processing equipment — as billions of pieces of mail are sorted and moved throughout the postal network.
How does USPS measure performance with this data?
All of the information gathered from mail scanned at collection, processing and delivery is fed into the USPS service performance measurement system, which combines and organizes the data by mail type, product, geography (area/district) and other categories. The Postal Service used this information to calculate service performance measurements.How do I know the data on this website can be trusted?
To ensure the completeness, accuracy and validity of its service performance measurement system, the Postal Service has implemented an independent audit plan currently consisting of 29 comprehensive audit measures. This plan is designed to check key measures to ensure accurate, reliable and representative measurement. An independent third party conducts the audit quarterly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What results do I see when I enter a ZIP Code?
Once you enter a ZIP Code, you will see service performance and days to deliver for the corresponding USPS district for the mail type (and mail product, if selected) for the most recently completed week,Saturday to Friday.What does the map show me?
The map highlights the Geographic Level selected at the top of the page. If District is selected, the map will highlight the geography for that USPS District. If Area is selected, the map will highlight the geography for that USPS Area, which is made up of multiple USPS districts. If National is selected, the map will highlight the entire nation.Can I click on the map?
The map is not linked to any data or search results. It only displays the resulting Geographic Level selected at the top of the page and the ZIP Code entered. Clicking on the map will not change service performance results. To view results for a different part of the map, select a different Geographic Level or enter a different ZIP Code.Can I download the data for this website?
Yes. A copy of your current search results data can be downloaded by selecting the link in the bottom lefthand corner of the page to Download Current Data. Data are provided in a comma separated value (CSV)file.The source data for the entire service performance website can be downloaded by clicking Download Source Data in the top right-hand corner of the page. A file download prompt will open on your computer. Follow the steps to download the file. This will be a very large file.
As Federal News Network reported last month, the new dashboard is seen as an integral tool to help hold USPS accountable for delivery service standards.

The postal community is counting on USPS to use its upcoming performance dashboard next month to begin addressing degradations in delivery service that have persisted in recent years.
Steidler said the dashboard would help USPS identify and address regional problems with on-time mail delivery.
USPS is no longer experiencing systemwide delays that made service inconsistent for much of the country across 2020 and early 2021. However, Steidler pointed to many letters from House and Senate lawmakers that USPS is still encountering regional challenges with on-time delivery.
“It provides some fire underneath the Postal Service for things to be improved,” Steidler said. “It’s of far less consequence if, on average, something takes a day or two more to come in. but when you’re not getting anything for like a couple of weeks, and you’ve got a business or you’re expecting important stuff, that’s a huge deal.”
What do you think of the new USPS Service Performance Dashboard? Let us know in the comments below!