eBay Shipping Labels Not Printing For December 31

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Sellers are reporting problems with printing eBay shipping labels for December 31st and are perplexed because eBay is allowing them to choose January 1st as a shipping date, even though post offices will be closed.

Bulk Labels show shipping date as Jan. 1 but Dec. 31 not available -- why??
As I went to pay and print labels using bulk shipping I noticed shipping on Friday, Dec 31 is NOT available but Saturday, Jan. 1 is available. WTH? Does eBay realize Jan. 1 is a holiday??? My 50+ packages all say they must be shipped by 12/31. I’m just going to print the labels and the SCAN sheet…

As I went to pay and print labels using bulk shipping I noticed shipping on Friday, Dec 31 is NOT available but Saturday, Jan. 1 is available. WTH? Does eBay realize Jan. 1 is a holiday??? My 50+ packages all say they must be shipped by 12/31. I'm just going to print the labels and the SCAN sheet -- my carrier said it would make no difference and USPS would initiate shipping on 12/31 regardless of the label date of 1/1/2022. Why does eBay do this to sellers?

It doesn't make a difference. You can ship packages on 12/31 with a label dated 1/1.

As to the "why" of it:

eBay did not require shipments on 12/24 this year due to irregular PO schedules, despite it being a regular business day for many.

It was handled last minute and some theorized that eBay put 12/24 in the system as a holiday as the fastest and easiest way to make sure seller protections were applied and sellers didn't get late shipping marks.

Others said that eBay's botched up holidays in the past with shipping labels so that might have happened again.

We've heard nothing from eBay about giving sellers protections or an optional day off from shipping 12/31. So either eBay botched the dates in the system again, or there are 12/31 protections we weren't notified about (or both). Maybe velvet@ebay has an answer she can share.

Can’t print eBay labels for Dec 31 but can print for Jan 1 when USPS is closed!
tyler@ebay velvet@ebay jasmen@ebay Can’t print eBay labels for Friday Dec 31 when post office is open. But, eBay is letting me print labels for Sat Jan 1 when the post office is closed. Thought you should know.

Some sellers are wondering if it is a technical issue or if eBay is providing protections like they did for the Christmas holiday. Protections have not been announced, and as this seller points out - eBay is still showing the 31st as an expected shipping day on orders.

Re: Holiday Shipping - eBay protecting us if USPS is not open on 12/24?
wrote: I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. Ebay frequently doesn’t think through (or adequately test) the impacts of their changes, as far as IT goes, so not really a surprise. ITA that the idea behind it was thoughtful, but the implementation sucks. Just arbitrarily deciding that…

I'm a bit puzzled as to why 12/31 is not showing up as a ship date. It IS showing up as a "Ship by" date on our orders. This seems to indicate that the Holiday shipping issue might actually be a separate issue from the Holiday protections, since eBay's system is still recognizing it as a ship date on new orders, and I don't believe any protections are offered.

So far no official answers from eBay, but I'll update as more information becomes available.


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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