eBay Sellers Can't Create Promoted Listings Ad Campaigns 2-22-23
UPDATE 2-27-23
eBay community staff have indicated the issue with delayed Promoted Listings campaigns has been fixed, but sellers say they are still experiencing longer than normal lag times.
Elizabeth@eBay posted on 2-23-23:
"Hi! We wanted to circle back with an update. The ads team has resolved the issue that was slowing down the time it takes for a promoted listings campaign to launch. You should no longer experience this issue and campaigns should launch within the timeframe you are accustomed to. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention"
But on 2-26-23, a seller replied and said the issue was not fixed and they are still seeing 12+ hour processing times to start ad campaigns.
Elizabeth, this is not fixed! I ended a PL campaign last night after midnight (2/26), it ended fine, but when I started a new one, only 57 items populated. It should be 1413. I left it alone overnight b/c I remember reading about this issues from @valueaddedresource , but it is now approx 8 hours later & only 57 items are still in my promotion.
ETA: FWIW, mine does not say processing, it says Active. I use Automated PL's...
...Just an update, ran some errands, it's almost 4PM local time & they are finally all there. I can't remember the exact time I started the campaign, nor is it on my Campaigns page, but I believe it was around 3AM local time, which means it took almost 12 hours to populate.
Normally it does it in minutes. So there is still a problem.
eBay appears to be experiencing what could be an expensive and embarrassing technical issue with sellers unable to create new Promoted Listings ad campaigns.
Anyone else unable to start a promoted listing standard campaign, tonight? We ended our previous campaigns almost 2 hours ago. Normally, within 1 hour we can start our next set of campaigns. Right now, it is stuck at only 190 listings available for promotion out of 22K + .
I am also having issues. I have to try more than once to start a campaign since yesterday. Once it claims it started the chart shows zero impressions or clicks, and nothing shows up as promoted in the search.
Same here, Tuesday 21. I started a campaign around 5pm. It showed as active on my campaigns chart but when I tried to start a second campaign about an hour later, the listings from the first campaign were still processing.
I tried to launch a second campaign now, about three hours later, and it is still stuck into the first campaign processing.
went to promote my listings this morning and it says that only 110 listings qualify to promote(standard promotions) on my desktop. On my mobile app it says promote 898 listings but it only allows you to do it one at a time which would take forever. this has never happened until today. any help would be appretiated. I have changed browsers, deleted history etc. nothing seems to work
While trying to end a listing and sell similar on the app tonight, I noticed the option to Promote, which I always have, was missing. On my items page, the drop down menu from those 2 dots next to the item name does not show "edit promoted listings" anymore either. I checked my other phone (which has an older version of the app on it) and everything was fine like normal on that one. On the newer phone, the options to send offers to watchers notification (which on my other phone was showing 4 watchers) was missing too. I have used the app for years now; I am not new to it and I work on it daily. Something is very wrong!
Listing today after a bit and I can't find the promote listing button, am I blind or is it gone?
This issue couldn't have come at a worse time for eBay as they are set to report Q4 2022 earnings today and Promoted Listings are an important part of their overall revenue growth strategy. 💸

Ex-CEO Devin Wenig faced intense scrutiny from sellers and investors alike when it came to ongoing technical issues plaguing the platform, infamously saying at eBay Open 2018 that technical glitches are unacceptable and really pissed him off.

Current CEO Jamie Iannone has touted his "tech led reimagination of the platform" but despite the buzz words, pesky technical issues still abound and some sellers say the site functionality is even less reliable now than it was under Wenig.
Will Iannone face the same scrutiny in today's earnings call? We'll find out at 5PM Eastern - stay tuned for full Q4 2022 eBay earnings call coverage from Value Added Resource!