eBay Search Page Duplicates, Repeats Page One Results
The eBay search problems continue with users now reporting eBay is duplicating the first page of results when they try to navigate to subsequent pages.
I've been noticing a search glitch over the past couple of hours. When I search for something and click on the second (or nth) page of results, I am shown the same results as the first page. The same results keep repeating no matter what the search parameters are.
I have tried clearing website data, logging in/out, and have used multiple browsers. The problem still persists.
Yes, I am experiencing the same. Try to go to the next page and it takes me back to the first page.
I tested in both Chrome and Firefox incognito browsers and am seeing the same thing - the page counter on the bottom appears to move, but it just displays the same results from page one over and over.
Here are screenshots of the bottom two results just for example, but in my testing all 60 results on the page were duplicated like this.

Users also continue to report massive problems with autocorrect changing their search terms and causing wildly inaccurate results.

Oddly enough, the same work around for the autocorrect issue seems to also work for this duplication problem, indicating there may be multiple problems caused by eBay's "smart search" functionality that can be thwarted by savvy users who know how to use quotes in search.
Putting any word in your search in quotes should "fix" the issue and allow the pagination to work correctly.
Is this all part of the magical AI-powered search innovation CEO Jamie Iannone talked about at Morgan Stanley recently? 🤨

Are you experiencing problems with eBay search? Let us know in the comments below!