eBay USPS Scan Form Glitch Redirects To RoofUS Leaderboard

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


UPDATE: 1-26-22

eBay has posted an update in the community acknowledging the issue and stating it has been resolved. Affected sellers will be eligible for protection, but will need to contact customer service to receive it.

USPS bulk shipping label SCAN forms error
eBay is taking steps to protect sellers impacted by the issue: On Jan 25th and 26th when some sellers tried to print USPS bulk shipping SCAN forms from the bulk shipping option in Seller Hub, a pop-up directed them to a non-eBay site in error. The cause of this issue has now been identified and re…

eBay is taking steps to protect sellers impacted by the issue:

On Jan 25th and 26th when some sellers tried to print USPS bulk shipping SCAN forms from the bulk shipping option in Seller Hub, a pop-up directed them to a non-eBay site in error. The cause of this issue has now been identified and resolved, and we will work to ensure this issue does not happen again in the future. Please note, no customer data was compromised during this issue.

We will protect sellers who may have been impacted by the bulk scan form issue. If you believe your on-time shipping metric was impacted by the issue, please contact us and we’ll make it right.

We apologize for any inconvenience or disruption to your business.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay.

It's disappointing eBay did not provide further information about what actually happened here and questions still remain. While I understand there may be security concerns in play, eBay must be transparent with users about what happened in order to regain trust that in fact "no user data was compromised during this issue."

A reader reached out to me with a very concerning eBay glitch. When they tried to print a USPS scan form for labels purchased through eBay, they were redirected to a completely different website - something called RoofUS Leaderboard.

The reader said "When I click on the print button after I generated the USPS shipping my scan form, it opens another window and sends me to a Roof US Leaderboard log in.  I googled what that is and its a roofing company. So its not letting me print the scan form, just sends me over to the Roofus Leaderboard."

As an isolated incident, it would be easy to assume this may be malware or something else specific to just this user's computer or eBay account. However, The Auction Professor also posted a video today showing he was experiencing the same issue and he says it happened on multiple devices.

There have also now been multiple sellers reporting the same issue on this thread in the eBay community.

Bulk Shipping: Redirected to a roofing website trying to print a scan sheet?!
I printed my labels through bulk shipping today with no issues. When I tried to print a scan sheet, and selected today’s sheet under “generated scam forms”, I got redirected to a “Roof US Leaderboard”, with a sign in pop-up that wants your phone number. The logo appears to be the same as Roof US in…

I printed my labels through bulk shipping today with no issues. When I tried to print a scan sheet, and selected today's sheet under "generated scam forms", I got redirected to a "Roof US Leaderboard", with a sign in pop-up that wants your phone number. The logo appears to be the same as Roof US in Atlanta. I tried about 15 times before giving up, so the post office people probably hate me today. So is this a hack/scam, or some kind of glitch?

I am a getting the same redirected to a "Roof US Leaderboard", with a sign in pop-up.

Never seen that one before, even though I have recently found the scan from function to be quirky.

I had the exact same thing happen to me as well. I did try different browsers and a different machine altogether and got the same. I hope that gets corrected soon. The scan form has been sketchy for the past week trying to print.

One community member suggested trying a different browser and one of the affected sellers confirmed they were experiencing the issue in Firefox but not in Chrome.

What browser are you using?

Do you get the same redirection using a different browser? Might be worth trying to print out that scan sheet using a different browser or a different computer or device.

A search of that name does not turn up much in the way of redirection complaints, so it does not appear to be a widespread issue at the moment.

Malware or adware of one sort or another might explain such a redirection, so a scan of your system might be in order. If nothing turns up, a browser hijack might explain things -- certain browsers are vulnerable to being hijacked by code on a page or in an ad.

I did just re-try it on Firefox and got the same error. Then I tried it on Chrome, and that didn't have the error, so I should be able to use that temporarily until they fix the glitch.

I'm not sure exactly what is going on here, but these sellers are absolutely right to be concerned - especially with completely unrelated accounts in different parts of the country reporting having the same experience.

Have you been redirected to a strange site while using eBay recently? Let us know in the comments below!

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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