eBay Listing Quality Report Missing, Download Errors

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


UPDATE 2-29-24

It's been over two weeks and the Listing Quality Report is still missing, but at least eBay is finally notifying sellers of the technical issue with a banner announcement on the page that says "We are experiencing an issue that is affecting the Listing Quality Report. While we are working on a fix we have temporarily removed the download report link."

eBay sellers are reporting issues with accessing the listing quality report with the link to the report either completely missing or still in seller hub, throwing an error message when trying to download.

We've seen reports from both the UK and US forums, so it appears to be a global issue.

Where has the listing quality report gone?
I cannot find my Listing Quality Report in the performance tab. It used to be a button right at the top. Does anyone know where it has gone?

I cannot find my Listing Quality Report in the performance tab. It used to be a button right at the top. Does anyone know where it has gone?

Had a look and its gone for me as well, unless its been moved?

Contacted eBay about this yesterday the "technical" team are "working" on it, and the eBay agent I spoke to has no idea on how long that is going to take. I guess they want to "improve" something that already did what it was supposed to.

Listing Quality Report is gone...
Is this permanent?

Is this permanent?...

... It hadn't updated for a month. I had noticed that there were some updates/changes to the report in the past few months as well.

eBay community staff have acknowledged the issue and added it to the ongoing technical issues post.

Current and resolved technical issues - updated as of 02/14/2024
The following are ongoing technical issues that have been reported and we are still tracking. If you are impacted by one or multiple of these please consider contacting Customer Support here to be added to the open tickets. We have included the reference number for these reports to help your conta…

Listing quality report is missing in Seller hub under performance tab (February 12, 2024)

Reference ID: ALERT15180

SR number:

Seller ID:


Are you having problems accessing the eBay Listing Quality Report? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech IssuesListing Quality Report

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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