eBay Hides Accepts Offer Search Filter From Buyers
Bargain hunting eBay buyers are perplexed as design changes bury "Accepts Offer" search filter option - are sellers losing opportunities to make a deal?

Accepts Offers has vanished AGAIN!!!! from the headline banner search options & now the left hand filters come on Ebay , you give us buyers/sellers grief about missing item specifics & (YOU , Ebay) can't even get the basic search options available to buyers , this is the second time this has happened in the last 3 months
'accepts offers' side listing is gone for buyers. What happened? and where is it?
When searching on the web, the Best Offer option on the buying format is missing, but when using the android app, the same option appears.
Anyone knows why is this?
@eBay_UK Why does 'Best offer' not appear when searching listings anymore? Can only view 'All listings', 'Auction' and 'Buy it now'. Is there a fix for this please? #ebayuk #bestoffer
— Rigsby Machin (@RigsbyMachin) June 19, 2023
Previously, the Accepts Offer filter was shown at the top of search and in the options on the left side of the page as a Buying Formet option - but it no longer appears in either place.

Buyers can still find the option by clicking on More Filters, then Show Only in the pop up, but that requires additional clicks and many buyers may not be aware of this workaround.

Buyers can of course still see the Best Offer option once they are on the listing or under the price as they scroll through search results, but that is much less convenient than being able to filter search to specifically show only listings with Best Offer enabled.
That raises the question - why would eBay want to make it more difficult for buyers to drill down to see only the listings they are interested in seeing?
Do you prefer to have the Accepts Offer filter shown on the main eBay search page with other buying formats? Let us know in the comments below!