eBay Cyberstalking Case Documents

The shocking 2019 eBay cyberstalking scandal targeted journalists Ina and David Steiner of EcommerceBytes, seeking to influence their reporting through intimidation and to gain their assistance in unmasking Fidomaster/unsuckEBAY, a frequent commenter and source who also sparked the ire of top executives at the company.

Senior Director Security Jim Baugh, Director of Global Resiliency David Harville, Security Manager Philip Cooke, Senior Manager of Global Intelligence Stephanie Popp, Senior Manager of Special Operations Brian Gilbert, Global Intelligence Manager Stephanie Stockwell and security analyst Veronica Zea all pleaded guilty and have either been sentenced or are awaiting sentencing for their roles in the crimes.

The Steiners have also filed a civil case against the criminal defendants plus ex-CEO Devin Wenig, ex-Communications Chief Steve Wymer, Ex-SVP Global Operations Wendy Jones, eBay Inc. and security company Progressive F.O.R.C.E Concepts - alleging communications from the very top of the C-suite directed and egged on the harassment.

eBay Cyberstalking - Value Added Resource
eBay cyberstalking targeted publishers of EcommerceBytes & unsuckEBAY, a Twitter user who commented about the company.

As part of this deep dive investigation, Value Added Resource has invested extensive time and monetary resources to procure and review public court documents in these cases and now VAR members can access them too.

If you use any of these materials as a reference for articles, blog posts, social media, YouTube videos etc. - Value Added Resource would greatly appreciate attribution/acknowledgement and a link!

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