Can't Print eBay Shipping Labels 7-21-22
UPDATE 7-25-22
This issue has been added to eBay's list of ongoing technical issues. Impacted users should reference ALERT13975 when contacted customer support.
Sellers are unable to purchase shipping labels getting error "We are unable to load payment options, please try again later" (July 20, 2022)
Members have reported clearing cache and cookies could help clear the issue. It's also been noted that using the bulk label option and deleting out all listings but the one you want to print has worked for some.
Reference ID: ALERT13975
Provided Member ID:
Provide Item number:
Provide Screenshot:Shipping Courier :
Seller using Web or Mobile App:
Printing Bulk or Individual label:
UPDATE 7-23-22
Some sellers in the community have been able to use the bulk shipping page as a workaround, even if they only have one label to print.
I have had the off and on issue with Labels not printing and in some cases not even being able to pay for them, my Payment button goes gray. The failure occurs on 2 browsers, Firefox & Edge ...
So I decided to try the Print labels in Bulk link (green arrow in pic below) ... that worked, I removed all but one label and processed it, paid for it and printed it out.

Many eBay sellers are reporting problems with printing shipping labels today - either sizing on labels is not correct or error messages saying something went wrong or that eBay is unable to process payment for the label using your preferred payment method.
@AskeBay Have you found out the issues with printing labels yet? I’ve seen 100’s of people saying they are having issues just like me yet you keep telling me nothing is wrong
— Tony Lucas (@tlucas1305) July 21, 2022
tell me this is temporary @AskeBay???
— The Breaks (@WatchTheBreaks) July 21, 2022
@askebay getting an error stating "we are unable to load payment options. Please try again later" when trying to print labels for my orders today. Can you please advise if this is systemwide or if there might be something wrong with my account?
— Chris Doetsch (@LLSportsCards) July 20, 2022
Getting an error message:
We're unable to process your payment using your preferred method. Please update your preferred payment method and try again.
Except I have PLENTY of available funds & I just successfully printed a label right before it. There's a thread on the Selling Board, I'm not the only one having problems. Even if I didn't have avl funds, there is a backup source on file.
Have tried 4x & keep getting this bogus error. Hopefully it's working later, as I have labels I have to print tonight!
Yesterday, labels would not print - just endless "try again later" messages. I cleared my laptop's cache and things were back to normal. Same thing happens this morning - either "try again later" or "could not load payments at this time." I called tech support and they said it's been an ongoing issue, and to try clearing my cache again. I did that and, at the moment, I can print labels again but now they are about a third of the usual size and I can't get them back to normal.
I was in the middle of printing out my orders for the day and suddenly when I click on the purchase shipping label it isn't taking me to where I can print it out or anywhere. Also many times I'm seeing no services available. This is for eBay standard envelopes I was able to get a bubble mailer standard tracking to work. Anybody else seeing issues like this in the last ten minutes or so? Or is this unique to me? I tried restarting my computer in case it was me but that didn't seem to fix the issue
Some users have reported the clearing cache and cookies or trying a different browser resolved the issue temporarily but then it came back, so this may not be a reliable workaround.
Ebay shipping label glitch workaround from Flipping
eBay support on Twitter has acknowledged the issue but of course it is not reflected on the eBay system status page.
Thanks for giving that a try, I'm glad to hear it's working intermittently. It looks like our team just posted a site issue for this as other members are reporting the same problem. If you could DM us your user ID, I'll be happy to get you added to that ticket. ~Kelsee
— Ask eBay (@AskeBay) July 20, 2022
I'll update as more information becomes available - in the meantime, if you're experiencing problems printing labels from eBay today, let us know in the comments below!