Bonanza Launches New Shopping & Selling Blogs With Contest

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Bonanza Worldwide marketplace is giving their buyer-facing presence a face and name lift with the launch of a new Shopping blog and a chance for users to get involved and win prizes!

Introducing Bonanza’s New Shopping Blog and Contest

Greetings, Bonanzlers! We are proud to announce the launch of our brand-new Shopping blog. We’ll still focus on empowering our sellers on this Selling blog, but are expanding to create a fun-filled buying experience for our shoppers. To add to the excitement, we will be hosting a contest in which we turn to you, our community, to name the blogs, bidding farewell to the old name, "Relentless Simplicity." Read on to discover the details of this transformation and how you can be part of it!

A New Vision
Bonanza Worldwide's Commitment At Bonanza we have always placed a strong focus on our sellers, enabling them to thrive in the e-commerce space. Our commitment to seller success remains steadfast. However, we also recognize the importance of providing buyers with an exceptional experience, as it fosters brand building and cultivates a loyal customer base.

We are working hard behind the scenes on projects that will build brand awareness. Of course, these projects take time, but providing fun content for shoppers on our blog and in our social media are the first step. With our new vision, we aim to strike the perfect balance between empowering our sellers and creating an enjoyable, unforgettable buying experience.

They will maintain the Bonanza Selling blog to support sellers with insights, tips, success stories and industry trends, while the Shopping blog will be geared toward fun and engaging brand building and customer loyalty.

Bonanza wants to get buyers and sellers in on the fun and is soliciting ideas for blog names - with the winner eligible to earn onsite rewards.

Name the Blogs and Win Big!

We believe that community involvement is crucial in shaping the future of Bonanza Worldwide. That's why we are inviting all of you to participate in our contest to find a new name for the blogs, replacing Relentless Simplicity...

..The contest will be open through July 18, 2023.The winner will be rewarded with a free TurboTraffic Pack, a powerful tool to boost your visibility on our platform, along with 5,000 reward tokens as a token of our gratitude.

Head on over to the Bonanza blog and leave a comment there to enter!


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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