Is eBay Improving Video In Listing Experience?
Many sellers have complained about excessive review and processing times and errors when uploading videos to listings and it appears eBay may be listening.

In a breakout session at the recent eBay Fall Seller Check In, Director Product Management, Seller Experience Tanaya Suveerachaimontian mentioned in her segment focused on the listing experience that eBay is working to improve the video upload function to speed up review and processing times and give sellers more clear communication about why videos may be rejected.
Listened to the Seller check in and in the session about the new listing form, the lady who presented made some interesting statements about videos..... I can't link to them because they don't have replays of the "extra sessions" or whatever they were called.
Anyway, she said that they had recently done updates on how videos were being handled. I understood her to mean within the last several days. As of the update, the reviews were being handled much faster....Most within 24 hrs, all within 48 hrs (some minor exceptions). Also, IF the videos rejected, there should be a popup with a code number when you hovered over the rejection (I presume that means when you go to revise and see the rejection). Where you find the explanations relative to the codes, I didn't get.......maybe instead of a code, it's an explanation.
She was pretty adamant that they were sure the review time was much I'm curious to hear what experiences people have had THIS wk or later with trying to use videos.
Other sellers confirmed they have recently seen improvement with the video in listing feature.
The last one I put up, a few days ago, took about five minutes to be approved....completely floored me. I'm not expecting that that will be the new norm, but this sounds encouraging...especially as we head into Q4. Now, if only we can get them to provide an icon in search and filter for listings with videos, AND give us Video Traffic reports as well.
It's great to hear that eBay has taken feedback on this and appears to have made improvements so quickly based on that feedback.
If you use the video in listing feature, let us know in the comments below if you are seeing improvement and if it appears to be helping your sales!