Ask Amazon: New Manage All Inventory Experience

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


The Amazon Seller Forum is hosting an Ask Amazon event all about the new Manage All Inventory Experience today, August 27 from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

Sellers can join the discussion here:

Ask questions & share feedback on the new Manage All Inventory experience at an Ask Amazon event on August 27th

Come learn about the new Manage All Inventory experience at an Ask Amazon event on Tuesday, August 27th, from 8 am to 5 pm PST. Community Managers and the Manage All Inventory partner team will be available to answer your questions and respond to any feedback you have on the day of the event.

Please feel free to leave your questions within this thread before the start of the event, however, please note that the partner team will not be available to review and correspond your replies until the event date. When leaving feedback for the Manage All Inventory tool, please include what you like and don't like about the new layout, as well as any features you'd like to see added back.

If youโ€™re not already familiar with the Manage All Inventory tool updates, hereโ€™s a list of the new features:

  • View up to 250 listings per page. To set your default view, click the gear icon to navigate to the Preferences page.
  • Expand parent ASINs to view and edit variations.
  • Filter for listing conditions (for example, new or used) under All filters.
  • Add business prices and quantity discounts under.

So far the post has garnered over 40 seller responses before the event, with more sure to follow - and most of them are not positive, with sellers citing missing features and functionality or additional clicks needed to complete acitons as their top concerns.

A few of the changes we do not like are: (1) not able to sort within the SKU by product title, (2) visually it is much harder now to quickly see the status, SKU, and condition of a listing, (3) when we list a product, there's no immediate confirmation screen (towards the top) congratulating us on our listing/where it says your updates have been submitted.... It made it easier when interrupted, to know where we left off.

Also, why did the "Sell on Amazon" button on the product page go away? Now we have to go back to a different screen to add a product. So many extra steps have been introduced that don't feel 3rd party seller friendly.

Also, the filtering that seems to be a default on the price comparison page is terrible and may prevent customers who aren't savvy from seeing some results.

A lot of features are hidden and not laid out well such as sort filters, and B2B pricing.

I am not a fan of the new Inventory page as it adds additional steps to functions that were easier and more intuitive on the previous version.

Adjusting the business price now requires opening an additional screen to view and adjust.

The business price on the previous inventory screen made it possible to view both the regular and business price next to each other for comparison.

Adding or reviewing business discounts now requires opening a much larger additional screen. Previously it was a smaller drop down that was more functional as its size was small and did not impede viewing the inventory page when it was open.

Each inventory item now takes up much more space so reviewing multiple items takes many more additional scrolling steps. The previous version I could review 5 or more items without scrolling. The new version this has been reduced to 2.

The "Listing Status" column takes up way too much space in the new version and is not an option to remove under preferances.

Each column is much taller which limits the amount of total items seen without scrolling.

It would be nice if ASINs with FBM and FBA options were defaulted to populate next to each other. Currently it requires an additional step to sort.

I like the new versions inventory column has it includes inbound, unfulfilled and reserved.

The item info page was hard to find, not "intuitive". The link on the new version is the SKU, but the link is not obvious as it is the same color as the other text around it. Links are usually a different, bright color.

When customizing the data prefferances any data removed leaves the blank column. THis just takes up unnessisary space and requires additional scrolling steps to view more items instead of removing the column and visually consolidating the data.

Min/Max price is not an option to remove under prefferances. This data is on the item info page so having it here is redundant and takes up additional space which requires more scrolling to view more items. Some people may like it there so ideally it would be an option.

The previous inventory page had 10 columns so much more data could be viewed without additional scrolling or opening pages. The new version has 6, this requires additional steps to view data and items.

Several sellers are so displeased with the changes, they are urging Amazon to either reconsider it all together or at least keep the option for sellers to switch back to the old version instead of retiring it as currently planned on September 16.

What do you think of the new Amazon Manage All Inventory Experience? Let us know in the comments below!

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!