New Listing Requirements For Facebook & Instagram Shops
New listing requirements for checkout-enabled Facebook and Instagram shops go into effect July 18th.
Here's what sellers need to know:

The new requirements include:
- Item descriptions can’t be the same as the title: Add additional information about the item to the description so it’s not identical to the title. Descriptions can’t contain links: Remove links in descriptions.
- Images need to be at least 500x500 pixels: Update or switch the main product image to one that meets our requirements.
- Google or Facebook product categories must be listed: Ensure each item has a Google or Facebook product category, or that automatic categories are turned on.
- Items in specific product categories must include size: Add size information to items in applicable product categories.
- Items can not remain out of stock for more than 56 consecutive days: If the item is actually in stock, update its “quantity to sell on Facebook” to 1 or higher, and its “availability” to in stock. Additional detail here: Troubleshoot sold out items in your shop.
We believe that these requirements are important for driving positive buyer experiences on Shops with checkout, so if an item does not meet the requirements listed above, the item will not appear in your Facebook and/or Instagram shop until it has been updated and the essential requirements are met.
The new listing requirements only apply to shops that use checkout on Facebook or Instagram instead of sending buyers to the seller's direct website to complete the purchase.
Sellers who joined Facebook or Instagram shops with checkout since May 19, 2022 have had the requirement in effect since onboarding, those who started shops prior to that date will see the new requirement take effect July 18, 2022.
Sellers should check Commerce Manager to view and update any items that do not meet the requirements.