Amazon Seeks Suggestions For Ask Amazon Events; Fraud Is Top Of Mind For Many Sellers
Amazon is seeking suggestions for Ask Amazon events, asking the seller community what topics they would like to see broached in upcoming live Q&A discussions.
Do you have topic idea with an Ask Amazon event? Share it here!
Is there a topic you'd like to see highlighted in a future Ask Amazon event? Share your ideas in the replies of this thread!
If you're not familiar with Ask Amazon, these are live Q&A events that invite product experts, policy makers, and leaders from teams across Amazon into the Forums to answer your questions on a specific topic. These Ask Amazon threads are also a great resource to reference even after they're closed as they have highly valuable answers provided directly by our teams.
You can find a list of both upcoming and completed Ask Amazon events right here.
We asked this question about a year ago and received a lot of great suggestions from you all. Since both our community has since evolved, we wanted to open this discussion once again as we continue to expand our Ask Amazon events into new topics and teams.
The post ended with a disclaimer that these events are not able to provide legal advice, interpret regulatory requirements or help with specific individual seller situations but suggestions for a broad range of topics are welcome.
With almost 30 responses so far, it's clear that return fraud, buyer abuse and scams are top of mind for many sellers and more information about how Amazon plans to protect sellers from fraud was a highly requested topic for future Ask Amazon events.
YES! Have an event with Amazon's Buyer Abuse Prevention Team.
Sellers would like to know:
What the Team is currently doing to prevent buyer return fraud on the site.
As the buyer return fraud is still rampant on the site after the Teams creation years ago, whatever they have done and are doing is not effective. The return fraud and buyer violations are still continuing today with not visible reduction, why?
It is a well-known fact that Amazon's Refund at First Scan Program is a major factor in buyer return fraud. This is an internal problem that Amazon itself created in support of buyer fraud. What is the Buyer Abuse Prevention Tean doing to effectively put an end to it.
We sellers would love to know why Amazon keeps siding with A to Z claims from fraud accounts/buyers ? It's 2024. We have GPS evidence, We have photos of our items sitting on the porches of these thieves that match those of the google image.
When are you going to step up to help curb this? Shouldn't have to buy freight thru you (Amazon) to get any help. Is it going to take the FTC to force your hand to become a better "selling partner" ???
Like the others have said.. Amazon seems to have embraced the criminal scammers.
Not to mention, Amazon seemed determined to turn my little company into a charity. All of the losses that come from Amazon's terrible scammer or recklessly incompetent customer ordering is now being forcibly socialized onto third party sellers' backs.
Hopefully Amazon's seller engagement efforts fair better than those at eBay, where a recent Ask Me About eBay Ads community "discussion" has now resulted in eBay staff stonewalling and trying to avoid responses to seller questions for over 3 weeks past the initial time frame given to expect answers.

What topics would you like to see tackled in a future Ask Amazon event? Let us know in the comments below!