eBay Update Breaks Advanced Search

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


While not part of the official Winter Seller Update released today, it appears eBay is tinkering around with the Advanced Search page, completely breaking or significantly changing the functionality for some users in the process.

Newly Released Advanced Search NOT Working like Older Version
Previous version of Advanced Search - Choices were Completed auctions (contained both Sold and Unsold items). When Sold was selected it would contain only “Sold” items. When neither was selected, all Active items would be shown. New version of Advanced Search- Choices are Completed auctions (now…

Previous version of Advanced Search - Choices were Completed auctions (contained both Sold and Unsold items). When Sold was selected it would contain only "Sold" items. When neither was selected, all Active items would be shown.

New version of Advanced Search- Choices are Completed auctions (now only contains unsold items). When Sold is selected it contains only "Sold" items. When neither was selected, all Active items would be shown.

Problem - If trying to research an item similar to what I have, I now have to do two inquires one for completed items and another for sold items which previously could be done by simply clicking in the completed category.

Solution - Simple program change to allow sold items to be displayed with unsold items when the "Completed option" is selected. It will then be will be working like the previous Version.

eBay Advanced Search not working after apparent update
I noticed today that the eBay Advanced Search page has changed. I also noticed that all of a sudden I am getting 0 search results for the items I am looking for. The searches I have been trying are in the Books and Magazines category. Title searches for simple terms like “farm” and “sea” pr…

I noticed today that the eBay Advanced Search page has changed. I also noticed that all of a sudden I am getting 0 search results for the items I am looking for.

The searches I have been trying are in the Books and Magazines category.Title searches for simple terms like "farm" and "sea" produce 0 results. The message I get says "We found 0 results for "sea" in Books and Magazines, so here are some other search results" -- and all the results are in clothing and makeup.

I then tried to and three-word title/description searches in the Books and Magazines category (relating to books I confirmed are listed on the site prior to my attempt) -- for example, "george washington." Again, 0 results.

I talked to eBay customer service and the representative was able to reproduce the same results. Had no explanation why it was happening, but promised to report the problem.

In the meantime, I can't find items I want to buy and I suspect buyers can't find the items I am selling due to the same problem. I would further guess that it's not just happening to me.

It seems that whatever update/upgrade was made to the Search engine has messed it up in a big way. I noticed earlier this week that hundreds of my search bookmarks that I have been using for the last 5 years suddenly stopped working. Instead of search results, I get a message saying "eBay redirected too many times." Obviously eBay has changed something.

The eBay Search Engine is the most important function on the site for both buyers and sellers. If the Search Engine is on the fritz, it is going to hurt everyone. I don't know about anybody else, but I can't afford to lose even a day of sales.

Here's what the new advanced search page looks like - like most recent eBay updates, it's clearly designed to optimize for mobile not desktop view.

Are you having problems with the new eBay Advanced Search page? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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