Sellers Appeal To eBay To Keep Sort Orders By Custom Label SKU

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay is making changes to the Seller Hub user interface that will remove options for sellers to sort their order history by Record, Buyer Name and Custom Label (SKU) - and sellers are asking eBay to reconsider.

Sorting orders by Record, Buyer name and Custom label (SKU) will soon be unavailable. For full control of how orders are organized, you can use download reports. If this change is disruptive, please submit a commentopens in a new window or tab.

It appears eBay didn't fully consider just how sellers may use the Custom Label SKU field and how disruptive this change might be.

For example, many sellers use the Custom Label option to identify an item's location in their warehouse or storage area, so being able to sort by that field and group orders in the same location together helps them optimize their workflow when picking and packing orders.

Please Do not remove sort by Custom Label Sku in Seller Hub
Being able to sort by Custom Label allows our orders of the same item and item location to be grouped together. This allows for a more efficient work flow by not having to go to the same location multiple times. It also helps avoid picking the wrong item by accident since having the skus sorted is…

Being able to sort by Custom Label allows our orders of the same item and item location to be grouped together. This allows for a more efficient work flow by not having to go to the same location multiple times. It also helps avoid picking the wrong item by accident since having the skus sorted is easier on the eyes.

If you are a seller please submit a comment to ebay to keep this feature. Sorting by record, and buyer name isn't a big deal, but sorting by custom label is an important feature for picking items.

I also use the SKU field for locating items. If I want to know what's in a certain box, I can sort by SKU.

I've always wanted eBay to add an online zip code sort in the seller hub. Now I will probably have to download a spreadsheet to do more of the same things...sigh...just more time-consuming.

Many online sellers use SKUs for locating, and categorizing items. Wonder why it is being removed.

Sure hope they don't do that........we use it for item locations......checking inventory accuracy........ have no notice as yet.

Seller who believe this change will be disruptive to their businesses are encouraged to fill out eBay's survey and leave feedback directly to eBay here:

Tell us what you think about the Seller Hub Orders updates!

You can also tell us in the comments below what you think of this change and how it will impact your business!


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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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