eBay Users Unable To Leave Feedback Due To "We Can't Find This Transaction" Error

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay buyers and sellers report they are unable to leave feedback for some orders due to "we can't find this transaction" error.

We can’t find this transaction. Please check your transactions to give feedback.
I just sold an item on Friday 12/22. It will not let me leave feedback for the buyer. When I click on the auction, click leave feedback, I get this message ” We can’t find this transaction. Please check your transactions to give feedback.” If I click “Leave Feedback” from my seller dashboard, the…

I just sold an item on Friday 12/22. It will not let me leave feedback for the buyer.

When I click on the auction, click leave feedback, I get this message "

We can't find this transaction. Please check your transactions to give feedback."

If I click "Leave Feedback" from my seller dashboard, the link to leave feedback opens, but when I click save I get this message "We ran into a problem saving your feedback. Please close the page and try again."

The item number is 186210810663 https://www.ebay.com/itm/186210810663

Why can't I leave feedback. This is a new buyer with only 1 feedback so far. They were excited to win the auction, and I wanted to leave them positive feedback.

I just had the same issue with a transaction. I think eBay had a glitch in the system.

I'm having that exact same problem. The item was paid for, I shipped it, but it doesn't show up in sales. I would really like to leave the person feedback.

Same problem. Spent about 10 min with an Ebay bot yesterday with this, who transferred me to someone, who I suspect was still a bot of a higher frequency, and we spent 30 min going over the issue with no resolution. I tried every backdoor and every approach, but no results. Can't leave feedback.

I ended up having to contact the buyer(s) to tell them what was going on. Ebay sent me a chat transcript, for whatever less than helpful reason...but nothing was fixed. Been going on for 3 days now.

Ask eBay support on Twitter is aware of the issue and suggested trying to use the "leave feedback" page at https://feedback.ebay.com/fdbk/leave_feedback but it's not clear if that solution works for users being impacted by this error.

Are you experiencing this "we can't find this transaction" error when trying to leave feedback on eBay? Let us know in the comments below if the "leave feedback" link above works for you!

eBayTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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